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Transform Your Life in This Powerful Phase

Transform Your Life in This Powerful Phase

Beloved Ones,

As a result of our conscious choice to clear our bodies, and personal timelines, and reconnect to the soul dimensions, many of you are now stepping into new experiences that are more aligned with who you are becoming, for you have finally closed old chapters, and the feeling of being in a loop, repeating same old scenarios, relationships and outcomes. 

We are transcending, letting go of who we used to be, at every moment. We let go with every thought, and choice, escalating another ladder within this eternal spiral of Creation, becoming lighter, wiser, empowered, and more loving.

You are now out of the illusion, for you have awakened even more to who you are, and to your personal power to transcend the old, moving into a new world of infinite possibilities. Part of becoming sovereign beings is learning to become and act as creators, transformers of our reality, and healers. This is a year as my Guides shared months ago of transition, and deep transformation, especially for Pisceans and Aries signs, and above all, for all who are willing to embrace a more illumined frequency and way of being.

Many of you are now passing through a period of deep purging as you let go of the old, being immersed into a transmutational phase in which as a consequence of your new illumined state of being, you are awakening to higher aspects of yourselves, for we never cease to evolve, becoming more unified and whole. You may be feel confused, as you lose your old identity and continue retrieving your authentic one. 

As part of this transmutational phase we are undergoing, you may feel constant Déjà vu, as a sign that you are now open to multiple realities, which is why learning to anchor ourselves in the moment is so important, for we only exist and create in the Now. 

Feelings of vertigo or dizziness are also common, as you maneuver between different frequencies, getting adjusted to your new chosen one. Headaches and stomach issues, as well as intense emotional ones such as anger, and other lower emotions that arise as residual feelings we must address and heal, for all that resurface is to help us create more unity.

Others may not feel anything at all, especially if you have learned to master emotions and work with ascension mechanics, as it helps to relieve these sensations. 

At first, it can feel as if we no longer know who we are, as if everyone has changed, and that we are alone in our path, as nothing resonates anymore. If we do our inner work and are balanced, this is a clear sign that we are moving into a new level of Consciousness, for it is the natural response to embracing personal evolution and constant integration.

Fear not where you are or the challenges you may experience during this intense time. When we have the Will, we are given the resilience, wisdom, and patience to overcome anything that our Unified Self sends to us to continue mastering ourselves, embodying higher levels of love and compassion, as this is in truth why we came here, to remember the love that we and All are.

Many of you are now awakening new sensory abilities, for the more consciousness you embody the more awakened you are to energies, to the non-physical, feeling others deeper and All Forms of Consciousness. This creates a major opening in your intuitive senses, that allows you to feel what is authentic, who is real, and what is false and damaging to your soul and well-being.

As we increase our sensitivity, by reconnecting to our soul, and the illumined planes, we are able to witness what remains in a lower frequency, which is why many of us see now beyond the physical, in a totally new way, what we are leaving behind, for we can only see what we have transcended and mastered.

Reclaiming our crystalline essence is nothing but the retrieval of our original loving, compassionate, and harmonic essence.

As you continue becoming who you are ask God to help you see in everything and in everyone the Truth of who they are, their real intentions, and most importantly, how you can embrace, accept, and deal with the Truth. It is not about changing others but about choosing wisely what we do when we see through them, and are given the Truth, for the Truth is not often pleasant for the ego or easy to handle for everyone. 

When you ask to be given the Truth, you need to be prepared, at all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, and at a soul one too, for you have asked, and when we ask it is Law that we shall be answered. We need to be courageous to understand all we receive from a higher perspective, and respond from a space of unconditional love to All involved, for our protection and well-being is also pivotal in any situation.

May you only see and live within Divine Love, Truth, and Unity, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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