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Unbelievable Shift Alert: Feel the Change
Written by Vidya Frazier

It’s very subtle. But if you stop a moment and tune in, you can maybe feel it.
You can realize that since the Eclipse, something in reality has shifted. Something new has emerged.
And it’s not just that none of the disasters certain sources were predicting didn’t happen on April 8 (or at least not yet or in ways we can see). It’s something more.
Maybe the Eclipse did actually open up a new reality for us to step into, as eclipses are often said to do.
If you check, you might feel there’s now a sense of greater clarity and lightness in the air … a feeling of greater freedom … a knowing that we have now shifted more firmly onto a higher, more positive timeline. And that there’s a joyous energy we can tap into that exists out in front of us that wasn’t there before.
Perhaps this is because so many of us participated in mass meditations across the world, focusing on the positive timeline and the New Earth we all wish to create.
Who knows? There’s no knowing what has created this new sensation of freedom and clarity. But it’s definitely there and it’s palpable.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that all will now flow smoothly into the future. It’s probable that dark times will still be ahead of us. Events in the world may continue to be chaotic and tumultuous, as the 3D world continues to collapse.
There might still be a great amount of death and destruction that occur. We may also continue to experience great upheaval in our personal lives, as ascension continues to escalate.
But perhaps we will now feel a sense of greater calm, strength and equanimity if we do — knowing that what is disintegrating, both within us and out in the world, has to leave in order for the new Earth to emerge.
And we’ll be able to more effectively assist those who are being thrown by all the cw changes occurring, especially with the disclosure that will surely come out more steadily as the year continues on.
Perhaps we’ll have a stronger feeling of detachment, of not being part of all that’s falling apart and leaving, and we’ll be more focused on new positive developments that are arising. We’ll be able to flow more easily into what has been named the “vibeshift.”
All we can do is wait and see what will unfold. But meanwhile, let’s enjoy this greater sense of peace, calm and lightness that seems to exist in this new reality that is unfolding. And let’s celebrate that we are already a quarter of the way through this new year that has promised great upheaval and uncertainty – and we’re still finding our way every day with strength and endurance.
Let’s focus as much as we can on the beauty we find around us, the joy that can erupt within us for no apparent reason, and the living love that is now present in the very air we breathe.
Let us fully embody the expansive new fifth-dimensional Being that is being birthed within us.
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