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The Fear of Fear Itself
Written by Eve Moore
I was reading yesterday,
something I sought for its promise
to uplift, encourage. It didn’t.
It caused me, instead,
to recoil deep inside,
to wince.
What just happened?
On the surface it seemed
so “of the light.”
Below the words, however,
within the neat lines of
carefully crafted text
lay triggers.
Triggers that I had not realized,
until that very moment, were
planted in my soil long,
long ago
waiting for fire
to burst open.
had nothing whatever
to do with what was printed
on the screen in front of me,
but it is what I read.
But almost as instantaneously,
my mind blew space into the word
to read: ARM AGED: DONe.
We’ve been living, I suddenly saw,
every day of our lives on planet earth,
with this mushroom cloud of doom
hanging over our human heads.
Like any one of a number of apocalyptic
annihilations portended to befall us
in the epic clash between
breath and death.
Fate. Karma. Manifested destiny,
call it what we will. It’s there. Just lying there,
on the event horizon — looming. The dark,
as ever, seeming to hold greater sway
than the light of our days these days.
And so like the circus clown,
we paint a happy face on the dread
we wear inside.
We hide from it, it from us.
For we have yet to unlock
its hold on our carotid.
Bleak? Yes. It is.
True? It has to be
for this is the story
that keeps getting told
in countless ways over
eons of existence:
the end is nigh.
I was suddenly aware
of the fear running through
my veins, my mind, my...
(sound effect)
…wait a minute.
What am I saying?
Fear is just a feeling.
Triggered by a thought.
If thoughts are things,
as they do appear to be,
why can’t I make this fear
anything I want it to be?
It is manufactured, produced,
sold, even, by me! Why can’t I shift
its shape into anything other than the
mushroom-clouded boogey man
foreshadowing the tragic end
of the world?
Puppy chow! Jelly beans!
Rubber bands! Unicorns!!
Iridescent monolithic
The list goes on.
Becoming ever more
magical. Why not?
Lest we make
Alive in each and
every thought we court
about our gloomy condition,
and its "inevitable" consummation;
in every moment we feel these thoughts
of fear and anxiety and foreboding
making this story de facto.
Biblical. Canonical.
It is not the story we want to keep
telling ourselves, each other.
However well-meaning the
cause, the effect is a train called
the doomsday express.
It’s not a comfortable ride.
So let’s stop buying tickets.
We can find it in ourselves,
our minds, electromagnetically
fed by our mighty hearts, to see our world
in a whole new way each and every
moment of our gift of a day.
No more bent on the trauma of drama,
but spiraling round a new point of view
that sees the light even in
the darkest hour.
It is a choice.
One we are free to make.
A story we get to tell in real time
— this holy NOW of consciousness.
Shakespeare wrote in Twelfth Night:
“There is no darkness but ignorance.”
This lack of knowledge
is about ourselves, and what we
hold deep-down to be real — something, out there,
to be feared? Or something, everywhere we look,
to be loved, marveled at and revered
because like us,
it is here?
We are energy
having a corporeal
experience. Energy flows
from a source, through a channel.
We are that source, we are
that channel.
We are light
filling an opacity of matter.
What dulls us or makes us shine,
is ours, freely, to mete out.
We make the reality
we see the world to be
— or not to be —
full of beautiful possibility,
or loaded with grave alarm;
armed to the teeth or
unarmed, proffering
only peace.
Not that easy?
Perhaps. But I’d say
easy isn’t that easy, it
just looks that way.
The physicist
looking for the particle
finds the particle; looking
for waves, same setup,
he finds waves.
Reality is what
we imagine it
to be.
It is a force of will
that we must summon,
good will to hold lightly
— like a hummingbird —
a new vision for
a new earth.
Today I saw blue birds
and snowflakes.
Blessed sights,
Let go, I heard them say.
God is in the details.
The moon
has just reached
her fullness. It is the
perfect time to release
what no longer serves.
Let’s let
Let Armageddon
die in the only place
it ever lived: our minds.
Let it compost into
a new narrative
that’s happy
ever after.
Final word?
—Eve Moore
Photo credit: Eve Moore
Eve Moore: Once a professional writer of advertising, I saw the light & it has shown me words of a different nature. And so I take them down & offer them up. And all is well.
This poem was submitted exclusively to by Eve Moore.
© 2025. All content (articles, imagery, fair use) & design protected. Written permission required for copying. All rights reserved.
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