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Where Planted

Where Planted

Where Planted

My forsythia is in bloom.
It is late December in New England
and this herald of springtime flowering
is as out-of-sorts as the world 
in which she finds 
herself rooted.
Day after day 
over the past 
near winter weeks, 
I watch as blossoms
here, there, 
to open.
The light is so brief.
The dark is so long.
Is she conveying 
some deep compromise
as I gaze on so seemingly 
palpable a confusion, 
this disorientation
of bud birthing 
as the wider
world sleeps?
Is she tending
the feast of finches,
chickadees, blue birds, cardinals with
a prize of rare sweetness
for their service
to her legacy?
Or is she
that time is in fact 
an illusion. 
That all is fluid. 
That new ways 
are in the process 
of becoming?
in our
in our
A new world 
in the midst 
of the old 
Is this the gift she gives, 
in our struggle 
to hold light 
in dark days, 
a gift to see 
the glint of stars 
no matter the time
of clock or calendar
coming to new life
right before 
our eyes?
I choose to see the gleam 
of her golden petals 
as a beacon.
a storm.
A marvel I
pass on to you
this brief northerly day 
as it tilts its head 
once again to 
the thrill 
of our 


Eve Moore ©2021

© Photo: Eve Moore

Eve Moore: Once a professional writer of advertising, I saw the light & it has shown me words of a different nature. And so I take them down & offer them up. And all is well. 

For more of Eve Moore's amazing and heart centered poetry and writings, click here! 

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
—Jimi Hendrix

This poem/prose was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Eve Moore.

© 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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