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February 2025 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?
Written by Kathy Biehl

February has us bobbing like corks in a sea of … well, it’s hard to say. The waters are ever shifting.
At times compassion, at times confusion, at times anesthesia and escapism. The vibe isn’t unpleasant, necessarily, and might actually be healing. Yet woozy-making, in the process.
Head for the highest potentials – artistry, empathy, kindness, faith – to stay safely afloat.
And float is how we enter the month. The overseers of love and creativity, Venus and Neptune, meet in his watery domain of Pisces on day one. Their union immerses and envelopes us in those highest potentials, softening our vision and hearts, connecting us wordlessly to experiences of dreams and unity and universality.
Consider it a cosmic time out and allow yourself to recharge, to rest and to heal body and soul. (Likely you’ll have little ambition to do much else.) Within the first four days of the month, Venus and then Neptune set sail for the North Node, transporting us to the way of the future. The two planets will meet again, at the end of March, bookending two months that promise to be pivotal.
While we are enjoying this heightened state of being (for some of us; for others, a blissed-out lost weekend), lines of communication buzz like crazy, with Mercury trining Jupiter February 3. Let you mind go where it will; no telling what fascinating info it will pluck from the ethers. Or the Internet. r
Some of the gentle vibe burns off starting February 4. Socializing ignites with passion, fieriness, and the drive to go after what we want, when Venus moves into Aries and takes on huntress mode. No more dreaming and floating and languishing; the unity vibe gives way to a blaze of solo action – but with the sensation of unity still in our awareness.
We’re feisty and energized and on the prowl. We’ve got this moxie until the end of March; Venus turns retrograde before then, at the beginning of March – yes, another retrograde — and retreats back into Pisces March 27. Fieriness comes back round again when she returns to Aries a month later.
Venus’ power-up comes with a noticeable signal that many, many situations are shifting gear as well. The chatter and general level of optimism shoot forward as Jupiter stations direct at 11 Gemini on February 4. The sky’s great amplifier has been retrograde since early October. His turnaround encourages fast, fast action, but harness expectations: he won’t move off the degree of his direct station until the last days of the month.
Watch for opportunities to nab a desire, make a connection or reshape an arrangement, interpersonal or financial, when Venus sextiles Pluto February 7. At the same time, adjustments are necessary in how you are furthering your agendas and in how thoughts are lining up with actions. Personal clarity crystalizes when Mercury meets the Sun February 9 (“cazimi”), and action flows, as Mars trines Saturn. Whether the flow is into stability or into restriction depends on whether the action reflects responsibility/integrity/wisdom or just an attempt to control.
Breakthroughs, plot twists and light bulbs explode February 10 and 11, with Mercury and the Sun squaring Uranus. He’s been direct for almost two weeks, but he has yet to move off 23 Taurus and is still zinging ground that goes back to late December (and possibly mid-May, when he first entered this part of the sky). Surprising news, changes in perspective, abrupt shifts in messaging – all that and more are possible.
Dramatic release comes with the Leo Full Moon February 13, which is itself square Uranus. Grandstanding, hair tossing and reality TV level exits are a given. Not getting your due? Not getting validation or appreciation? Off you go!
Spoiler: Mars reaches the degree of his coming direct station as this Moon builds, adding undercurrents of “more to come” – much as last month, when Uranus stationed direct at the Aquarius New Moon and started rumblings of the same.
As the fiery dramas subside, the vibe slides back into the gentle, otherworldly wateriness that launched the month. Mercury and the Sun leave the futuristic outpost of Aquarius and float into the boundary-blurring waters of Pisces February 14 and 18. Rational thought dissolves into a knowing that is difficult to put into words. Empathy and telepathy connect us to each other, and to something greater than any one individual.
The shift makes for tender energies on Valentine’s Day, swelling all the more when Mercury squares Jupiter February 20, and continuing on into next month, until Mercury ignites in Aries March 3.
And as we float and drift, the course of action changes. Mars stations direct February 23, ending the retrograde that started December 6. His reverse march launched with the assist of a trine from Mercury, and, whadda ya know, his forward motion begins with the assist of a trine from the same planet. Investigating information and communications has characterized this retrograde, and the turn around promises reports of what Mars’ journey has uncovered.
The roll out will be slow going. Mars will take his time moving on. He stays at the degree of his direct station 10 days into March.
As Mars executes his about face, whatever his journey explored gains staying power. Certainty and stabilizing take over our thoughts, conversations, and information streams, as Mercury joins Saturn February 25. Even so, innovations and surprises factor into the mix, from Mercury sextiling Uranus February 27.
All-connecting waters take us back in at the Pisces New Moon February 28. They are vast and deep, expanded by a square to Jupiter in Gemini, with Neptune again conjunct the North Node, pointing the way to the future.
Make peace with the waters, with your creativity, with the rising tide. Take Dramamine if you need it. We’re not going back.
Re-blogged on with written permission from Kathy Biehl. Do Not Copy.
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