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Tap Into Planetary Power: September 16 to 22, 2024

Tap Into Planetary Power: September 16 to 22, 2024

PISCES FULL MOON: September's Full Moon is also a partial Lunar Eclipse, which dramatically increases its effects on our lives.

The lunation is at its peak at 7:34 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, September 17. At that time, the Moon will be at 25°40' Pisces, exactly opposite the Sun at the same degree of Virgo.

A Full Moon in Pisces increases our desire to transcend the restrictions and challenges that are part of living in a physical reality. This Piscean yearning, which opens the door to spiritual or creative experiences, is especially magnified at the time of this lunation since the Moon is closely conjunct mystical Neptune. This Full Moon is thus designed to bring us significant insights, life-changing visions, creative inspirations, and dreams and signs that convey important messages.

The Full Moon is also in harmonious relationship (sextile) with Uranus, which increases our intuition and access to Higher Mind. If we are open to receive, we are gifted with "aha" moments, downloads of high-level information, and other experiences of expanded awareness.

However, there are a couple of challenging aspects to the Full Moon: Luna is quincunx Venus, so we will need to be aware of times when we are being too idealistic. There is a danger of overestimating the value of a person or an investment, of not seeing the truth of a situation. With the Moon also square Jupiter, there could be a tendency to overdo, driven by the excitement of a new idea that, again, may not be grounded in reality.

THE ECLIPSE EFFECT: A Lunar Eclipse is sometimes called a "mega Full Moon" because of its amplified effect on our human psyches and experience. What has been unconscious rises to the surface at the time of a Lunar Eclipse. 

The term "lunacy," coined in the mid-sixteenth century, originally referred to the kind of "temporary insanity" that was often observed at the time of a Full Moon. Some forms of lunacy are sure to be heightened around the time of this week's Lunar Eclipse, especially since it occurs in imaginative, other-worldly, and psychically sensitive Pisces.

A Lunar Eclipse corresponds with a time of major transitions, sometimes personally and often globally. With the water element emphasized, both through the sign Pisces and the planet Neptune, some of those major shifts could be related to dramas involving oceans, floods, excessive rains, and other water-related events. 

Eclipses are always linked energetically to the Nodes of the Moon, which represent humanity's highest evolutionary path (North Node) and those traits that we must leave behind if we are to advance (South Node). As a result, the changes that occur this week may feel somehow fated or karmic. Situations could seem to take on a life of their own, beyond our control. Events that occur will likely have long-lasting effect and may even change the course of human history.

OUR PERSONAL CHALLENGE: On an individual level, we will want to do our best to stay grounded this week. While we can certainly take advantage of the mystical side of the Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon through meditative or creative activities, it will be important not to drift off into the clouds without a tether. Taken to the extreme, the desire to transcend can become unhealthy escapism.

It will also be vital to maintain personal boundaries this week. Pisces is, by nature, very permeable, easily taking on others' energies. This can be due to a merging of auric fields with other people, but it can also be a tendency to pick up on whatever is being held in the collective field, in mass consciousness. Overall, we may feel more physically and emotionally vulnerable, but also more compassionate and understanding.

Whatever occurs this week, we will benefit from claiming and demonstrating the most elevated qualities of both the Pisces Moon and the Virgo Sun. Drawing on high-vibrational Virgo, we will be able to observe with objectivity and to accurately assess and analyze the situation. We will be able to clearly and realistically discern what information is worth keeping and what should be discarded.

And, as we access the higher frequencies of Pisces, we will be able to let go of denser emotions and release attachments that no longer serve us. We will cultivate faith in times of uncertainty. We will trust in beneficial outcomes for all, while following our own intuition and higher guidance in navigating our personal realities.

THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Venus opposite Chiron: People may be ultra-sensitive or reactive with this aspect, causing difficulties in relationships. Anger can arise quickly if someone has been compromising their values and needs for too long. 


Sun quincunx Eris: Conflicts and controversies require an adjustment in our expectations and in the day's agenda. 

Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon: The Full Moon is at its peak at 7:34 p.m. PDT on September 17 (0234 UT on September 18). This Lunar Eclipse is the first of a new series of eclipses that will occur in the signs of Virgo and Pisces over the next two years. It is introducing us all to a new phase of our collective and individual evolutionary journey.

Mercury sesquiquadrate Pluto: People can speak impulsively or bluntly, without considering the impact of their words on others. Conversations may disintegrate into attempts to manipulate or control.


Mercury opposite Saturn: This aspect indicates obstacles in areas ruled by Mercury: communications, networking, and travel. There is also a tendency to worry excessively, to overanalyze a situation, or to have a pessimistic frame of mind.

Venus opposite Eris: Relationships encounter challenges if someone has been feeling discounted or that their needs have been ignored. Some may take a stance that is unpopular with a loved one.


Sun trine Uranus: This aspect encourages us to make important changes that will result in our living a more authentic life. The need to feel free of restrictions inspires us to take new risks.


Venus quincunx Uranus: The changes we envisioned yesterday require an adjustment in our priorities and in our close relationships. There is a need for space and greater expression of individuality.

Mars opposite Ceres: People may be possessive, argumentative, and patronizing with this aspect, especially with family members.

Sun opposite Neptune: Misunderstandings are likely and we may not be seeing reality clearly. We are prone to disappointment when things do not go according to plan. This is not the best time to make an important decision.


  • Mercury square Jupiter: Some could go too far in their attempts to "fix" a problem or may undermine their effectiveness by over-explaining their ideas.
  • Venus quincunx Neptune: Relationships are somewhat perplexing today. We may experience disillusionment when a loved one does not live up to their best self.
  • Mercury quincunx Chiron: Blaming and fault-finding bring up anger and interfere with clear communications.
  • Sun trine Pluto: This aspect increases our determination to find a solution to current problems and provides the willpower to put a plan into action.


Sun enters Libra (Equinox): Daylight and darkness are approximately equal in length today. It is the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of spring in lands south of the equator. While the Sun travels through Libra (until October 22), the desire for peace and harmony is a strong motivator. There is also an emphasis on justice and fairness. Since Libra easily sees both sides of an issue, it can be harder to make concrete decisions this month.

Venus square Pluto, Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn: We continue to deal with relationship challenges and may feel disconnected from a loved one. Some may be dealing with feelings of jealousy or distrust, causing them to respond by being overly possessive or controlling.

Venus enters Scorpio: As the goddess of Love and Beauty travels through truth-seeking Scorpio (until October 17), we may experience more intense emotions in relationships. The themes of intimacy, power, control, and passion are highlighted. 

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: There are many opportunities for growth this year, Virgo. You are more open to change than you might usually be, more determined to fulfill your higher purpose and destiny, and also more willing to release the past. However, there is a danger in that you could have so many ideas and options that you end up scattering your energies and becoming mentally exhausted. There may also be times when you feel a bit foggy about your best direction; when this occurs, take the time to pause and let there be uncertainty. There are gifts in the not-knowing, and an opportunity to sense into what actions are most aligned with your soul, rather than what your mind is telling you would be best. (Solar Return Sun square Jupiter, trine Uranus, opposite Neptune, trine Pluto)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • Monday: Venus opposite Chiron
  • Tuesday: Sun quincunx Eris, Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon 7:34 p.m. PDT, Mercury sesquiquadrate Pluto
  • Wednesday: Mercury opposite Saturn, Venus opposite Eris
  • Thursday: Sun trine Uranus
  • Friday: Venus quincunx Uranus, Mars opposite Ceres, Sun opposite Neptune
  • Saturday: Mercury square Jupiter, Venus quincunx Neptune, Mercury quincunx Chiron, Sun trine Pluto
  • Sunday: Sun enters Libra (Equinox), Venus square Pluto, Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn, Venus enters Scorpio

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. Posting on CrystalWind.ca © 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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