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Tap Into Planetary Power: September 2 to 8, 2024
Written by Pam Younghans

HARVEST TIME: The Sun is now in Virgo, the sign of the Harvest. It is the time when we reap the fruits of our labors, the results of the hard work we've done since the beginning of the zodiac year in March.
Like farmers harvesting their crops, we must now use the Virgo qualities of discernment, analysis, and precision. As we observe the crop coming in, we will need to decide what is worth keeping and what should be discarded. The challenge while the Sun is in Virgo is not to be overly critical or too much of a perfectionist, which could lead to blaming self or others for the occasional misshapen fruit.
VIRGO NEW MOON: Our New Moon for September perfects at 6:55 p.m. PDT on Monday, September 2, when the Sun and Moon conjoin at 11°04' Virgo. With exacting Saturn in opposition to the two luminaries, the judgmental side of Virgo is likely to be emphasized.
While maintaining strict standards may help in the process of discernment, focusing only on what is wrong and needing to find a scapegoat takes us into the shadow realms of Virgo. Instead of going down that road, we can call upon the higher frequencies of Saturn in Pisces, which support us in living and acting in alignment with our spiritual values, including the ideal of unconditional love.
Being a representative of unconditional love does not mean sacrificing one's self or one's values, or taking on the role of rescuer or martyr; these are also lower-vibrational manifestations that are possible for service-oriented Virgo. However, they are based in old definitions of what "unconditional love" means.
The more elevated definition of unconditional love, offered by Abraham-Hicks, is the ability to hold the energy of Love under all conditions. When we are in vibrational alignment with the highest expression of Love, we are in tune with what is best for all concerned, including for ourselves.
MARS-NEPTUNE EFFECT: One of the main challenges this week is an aspect that perfects just two hours after the New Moon. When a new lunar cycle begins, we usually think in terms of what new projects and directions we want to start implementing. However, Mars in Gemini will be exactly square Neptune in foggy Pisces on Monday, indicating a lack of clarity about what we want and how to take action going forward.
With this Mars-Neptune square in effect, it could be hard to stay focused on a specific plan or strategy as we begin the new lunar cycle. We might feel unmotivated in general, or perhaps disappointed, disillusioned, or discouraged regarding our ideas or communication skills. There can also be physical symptoms associated with a Mars-Neptune square, such as a lack of energy or the need to sleep more.
In essence, the personal ego (Mars) is being confronted by the aspect of our being that is most in tune with our soul (Neptune). Before we take action, this Mars-Neptune square requires that we check in with the higher aspects of our being to ensure that all is in alignment with our higher purpose and the Divine Plan for our lives. It might be best to wait until next week, or at least until Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, to begin a new endeavor.
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day:
Sun sesquiquadrate Eris: We begin the day with some conflicts and controversy, perhaps including finger-pointing and shaming.
Mercury trine Chiron: A heart-to-heart talk with another or with ourselves can open the door to healing.
New Moon: The Sun and Moon meet for their monthly rendezvous at 6:55 p.m. PDT, when both luminaries are at 11°04' Virgo.
Mars square Neptune: It may be hard to know what we truly want with this aspect. Efforts to assert ourselves may lead nowhere.
Venus conjunct South Node: Unprocessed issues from past relationships may come into our awareness now. Or, someone from our past — either from this lifetime or from another incarnation — could make an appearance in our dreams or in "real life."
Mars quincunx Pluto: People may be verbally assertive, argumentative, or manipulative with this aspect, driven by a need to exert control over a situation.
Mars enters Cancer: Mars will initially be in Cancer from September 4 to November 3, but will eventually go retrograde and revisit the sign of the Crab in the new year, from January 6 to April 18, 2025. While Mars is in this sign, people seek security and are motivated by a strong protective or defensive urge. This may lead some to withdraw and others to attack, much like a startled crab in a tide pool.
Mercury trine Eris: Forthright conversations are on the schedule today, giving everyone a chance to speak their minds. We may need to watch a tendency to overdramatize to make a point.
Sun sesquiquadrate Pluto: Opinions are powerfully expressed. Criticism could be used as a weapon of manipulation.
Mercury square Uranus: Nervous energy is very high today. It may be hard to concentrate and communications could go off-course. However, intuition is heightened and we can be open to insights and higher-level information.
Sun opposite Saturn: We may feel increased stress today, and perhaps have a more pessimistic view of current situations. Obstacles or delays can arise.
Mercury quincunx Neptune, quincunx Pluto: Mercury is forming a "yod" configuration with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn today. This can manifest as difficulty in focusing our attention. We might feel overwhelmed or confused by incoming information, resulting in frustration.
Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus: Loved ones are likely to need their space today, and could be more aloof than usual if they do not feel free to express their individual needs.
Mercury enters Virgo: Mercury will travel through Virgo from September 8 to 26. During this transit, our minds tend to be more practical and detail-oriented. Conversations involve how to make improvements or support growth.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You are likely to experience wide variations in your attitude and approach this year. On one hand, a part of you is feeling optimistic, eager, and ready to take a leap of faith. On the other hand, you are very aware of the potential downfalls of taking that risk, and could feel discouraged or even somewhat depressed by what you perceive as limitations. Your challenge is to follow your inspiration, to be aware of where you want to make advancements and how you want to grow, but at the same time to be realistic, to take your time and have patience with sometimes slow progress. This year you are learning to maintain a positive attitude even as you experience "two steps forward, one step back." (Solar Return Sun square Jupiter, opposite Saturn)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You have opportunities to utilize and strengthen your nurturing skills this year. Your heart is especially open and the desire to be of service is strong. You may be drawn to be a caregiver for another person or a pet, and are able to be quite generous in giving of your time and effort. At the same time, it will be important to keep your personal needs in mind, to be aware of when you dip into self-sacrifice or are basing your actions on a belief that it is not OK for you to have your own needs and preferences. If old insecurities and a lack of self-esteem are reactivated, it is a sign that you need to improve and increase your self-care practices, perhaps through some inner child healing work. (Solar Return Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron, trine Ceres)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- Monday: Sun sesquiquadrate Eris, Mercury trine Chiron, New Moon 6:55 p.m. PDT, Mars square Neptune
- Tuesday: Venus conjunct South Node
- Wednesday: Mars quincunx Pluto, Mars enters Cancer
- Thursday: Mercury trine Eris
- Friday: Sun sesquiquadrate Pluto, Mercury square Uranus
- Saturday: Sun opposite Saturn
- Sunday: Mercury quincunx Neptune, Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus, Mercury quincunx Pluto, Mercury enters Virgo
WEBINAR NEXT MONDAY! I'm excited for our "Final Four of 2024" webinar, airing live next Monday, September 9! I hope you can join us for my preview of the planetary influences we'll be working with over the next four months. This week I'll be very busy, putting finishing touches on the slideshow that will walk us through the major events from now through the end of 2024.
Thanks to everyone who has already registered! By now, you should have received two emails from : a confirmation email and a second email with links for the four monthly calendars. If you haven't received these emails or have other technical questions, please contact Elsie Kerns at or 609.744.6787 (talk/text) EDT.
I hope to see you in the Zoom gallery! Remember that if you can't attend the live webinar, you'll be receiving the video replay and all class materials, so you can watch at your leisure. The description of the class is below, or go directly to
DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram:
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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