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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for September 6th -13th
Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of September 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
In order to fulfill the potential that has been proscribed by the recent eclipses in your sign, you could find yourself now wanting to secure the ramparts, and survey the perimeters of your domain. Mars has entered the sign of Cancer, reinforcing the feeling that you need to make your foundations more secure, so that you can more fully live your life, where you want to live it, and how you want to live it, without having to worry about any impending storms in the future. Whatever that is that would make you feel safer, and more secure, and allows you to create a firmer foundation, will be foremost on your mind as we are now approaching eclipse season. We tend to circle the wagons when Mars is in Cancer, defending our own: our turf, our family our loved ones, and the things that matter most to us. So now that Mars is in Cancer, you might find yourself asking: What actions am I now needing to take in order to better secure the foundations of my life? Doing this good work will then allow you to move more confidently into the future.
In some ways it could have been feeling like there was this very extended Mercury retrograde, where you find yourself changing your mind, switching gears, and having to readjust your schedules. There may yet be a few more twists and turns this weekend, but once Mercury finally enters Virgo on Monday, it will finally feel like all the pieces are falling into place. It is not unusual to change your mind during the retrogrades of Mercury. But this would be especially so, if everything keeps changing up on you. But now that Mercury is entering Virgo on Monday it should feel like we can finally get back to work, and proceed with our plans. In fact once you feel like you are back on the right track, things are likely to move pretty swiftly. And that will be true even if there are a few obstacles in your path that will need to be side-stepped. This will be a good week for clearing out any to-do lists that you hadn't been able to get to between one thing and another.
Just when you think you've got schedules sorted out, papers signed, and everything is good to go, you get yet another shift in plans. We may be over the retrograde hub, but watch out for that Mercury/Uranus square this weekend. There may be yet another surprise detour before the weekend is out. Lucky for you, your ruling planet Mercury, is recovering from the retrograde, and will appear to be going full steam ahead, once it returns to Virgo on Monday. In fact things could be feeling like they are moving pretty swiftly for a few days there, which will allow you to get some work done, and take care of business. Use the next 3 weeks to organize your life, perfect your knowledge and skills, and learn any new skills that could be useful to you in your work or daily life. Once you get all those things in order, and all the facts and data analyzed, you will be able to see a clear road stretching out ahead of you. And there's no telling what you can get accomplished as a result.
Mars entered your sign on Wednesday last week, which could feel a bit like you are being urged to take some sort of action. Mars is a great motivator. It aims to get things moving. During the few months that Mars has been in Gemini, it could have felt as if you were juggling many options in the air. But now that Mars has entered your sign, you are being tasked with choosing which option you want to go with. And now that Mars is in your sign you will be feeling more confident to do so. In fact, with Mars now on your side, you may be feeling really impatient to finally get things moving. You have places to go, and things to do and anyone or anything that dares to get in your way, better watch out, because you are not going to be having it. Cancer is on a mission. In some way you are being called to fulfill your potential, even if it feels a little scary to do so. Know that you've got this.
When the Sun makes its opposition to retrograde Saturn we are being made aware of those things that are standing in the way of progress. When Saturn is in Pisces, as it is now, making sure that you have all of your resources available to you becomes that much more important. You want to create a sustainable plan for the future. A plan that is practical, sustainable and manageable. And while Saturn is in its retrograde phase, the issues that are less sustainable will make themselves known. All the more so when the Sun is shining a light on those things that are getting in the way. Has something become too hard? Saturn's retrograde can give you permission to step back, reassess, and even withdraw from certain commitments or obligations that have begun to feel oppressively burdensome, or simply takes too much out of you. The opposition can make you aware of your limits and boundaries, and where these may have become eroded. Honoring those limits can help you to make better choices in the future.
It seems that life in general has been littered with all sorts of detours, snafus and surprises lately. And there may still be a few twists and turns ahead over the weekend. But then thankfully, Mercury returns home to your sign on Monday in order to sort everything out and get some work done. Use the next 3 weeks to organize your life, make yourself more fully informed, create a workable schedule, and get yourself and your life back on track. Pay attention to your daily routines, and use these to support you. Also focus on all those things that support your physical and emotional health and well-being. Some ideas to set the pace for the next several months: Take a trip to the farmer's market and stock up on wholesome foods. Look for healthy ways to move your body, including long walks out of doors (put them in your schedule too!). Do take care of your body, but also consider what you are filling your mind with. That needs taking care of as well! Once you have all of your ducks in a row, there's no telling what and how much you can get accomplished now that Mercury has returned home.
Don't shirk away from trying something new and different this weekend. It just may surprise you. Going off on a different track can open up your mind, and inspire you. Just don't do anything that you may later regret! This is about opening up to creative ways of doing things or perhaps meeting people with original ideas. You can try these on for size, but this isn't really about committing just yet. This is about opening up your heart and mind to possibility, and letting down some of your guard. This is important as we are soon stepping into eclipse season, which for you could feel a bit like you are standing on a precipice, some place between the past and the future. You've probably been considering many possibilities. But now you could be faced with some choices. So going off schedule this weekend might actually help to put some things in perspective. Don't be surprised if something needs to be cleared up, before you step over that precipice and into the future.
Last Wednesday, your ruling planet Mars entered the sign of Cancer, which can be a very supportive placement for Scorpio. It can bring you the courage to take charge of your life, and to follow your convictions with greater confidence. And it may even inspire others to do so as well. Just be cautious. For when you have the courage of your convictions, and speak out about them, there's no telling whose toes might be getting in the way, in the process. There is an art to persuasion. And in this weather it is easy to offend those who don't necessarily agree with your point of view. But when you do speak honestly, and forthrightly, then you will have nothing to regret. For the ways of truth will inevitably come to light in the end. Just remember what Gloria Steinem once said: "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." The truth is not always easy for people to hear. Especially if it's not what they wanted to hear.
As Saturn has been in its retrograde phase since the end of June, you may have found yourself reflecting on your earliest memories. Perhaps even returning to the homestead, or connecting with those you once knew so well. But actually what this was all about was connecting to something within your own being. Something that has been an integral part of your being. It is not unusual to want to revisit the past during the retrograde phase of Saturn in Pisces. But while doing so, all sorts of things can come to the surface in the process. Not only about the past, but about your present. And as the Sun makes its opposition to Saturn this week, in some way you are being asked to make peace with the past, and perhaps even let a few things go in the process. Doing this clearing process, will not only allow you to make better sense of the present, but can then make room for a future that is yet to be.
With your ruling planet Saturn in its retrograde phase in the sign of Pisces you are being asked to be as practical and reality centered as possible. Being realistic and seeing things exactly as they are helps you to make sounder, and more mature decisions and judgments going forward. This is especially so if you have been thinking a lot about where you want to go from here. What with Mercury all retrograde last month, it may be all you can do to keep track of all the twists and turns. But now that Mercury is direct, and will be entering well-organized Virgo on Monday, it can help you to organize your thinking, and gain even more clarity. For when the Sun makes its opposition to Saturn this weekend, it does so to show us all that is standing in the way of progress. Saturn qualities such as avoidance or procrastination can stop us in our tracks. But by using the higher qualities of Saturn and Capricorn, such as self-discipline, determination and foresight, you will seamlessly move through whatever is holding you back, or making you hesitate, so that you can see a clear path opening before you.
When the Sun comes to oppose Saturn this week it will be shining a light on whatever it is that is standing in the way of progress. Now it may well be, that progress will continue to crawl, and not much will happen until Saturn is direct on November 15th. But it is at this juncture in the middle of the retrograde phase, that we are being shown what is actually slowing things up. Sometimes these can be obstacles over which we have little to no control. If that is the case, you may wish to ask yourself what you can change in your outlook to make that okay. And if there are things that you can change, what are you needing to work through, in order for you to be comfortable with those changes? If you use Saturn's qualities of persistence and determination, even if things continue to move at a snail's pace, and even if you continue to put some things off, before you know it, you will reach your goals.
This weekend the Sun will oppose retrograde Saturn, shining a spotlight on the obstacles that have been standing in the way of progress. Saturn in your sign has been trying to create order out of the chaos left behind by not only Neptune spinning its webs in your sign these past 12 years, but also to sort out these past few weeks of the recent Mercury retrograde. Talk about chaos! It's all one can do to keep track, when the rules keep changing. While Saturn has been in its retrograde phase, it has been trying to instill some of its more useful attributes, such as self-discipline, resourcefulness and clarity. But Saturn also has some challenging traits. And as it has been working its way through your sign, it compels you to have to confront your own fears, look at things the way they are, even if you don't want to, and to show up, and step up to the plate, even when it's really hard to do so. The Sun is trying to shine a light on what more needs to be cleared out before you can proceed. For doing this hard work now will set the stage for many moons to come.
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