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Being Vegan and Raw Vegan Lifestyle


From a spiritual perspective, I believe that when we eat mainly plants and other organic fruits and greens, we also absorb some of the energy and wisdom from Mother Earth. This might explain why so many vegans are more calm, peaceful, non-violent, less aggressive and angry, than people consuming meat and other animal products. But this is just my theory. People who do not eat meat often have more ”inner wisdom”, awareness and realization, in addition to higher energy levels, and better health compared to many non-vegans. Vegans also tend to have higher levels of compassion, due to their love and concern for nature and animals and also Mother Nature herself. This lifestyle encourages to a more peaceful and harmonic society and sustainable living.

Paul Nison in Raw Knowledge (2002) says that in order to reach the soul, you can not be weighed down with food. Those eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) spend most of their energy digesting food. Nison says it is important to have a spiritual context when you set out to live the raw food lifestyle. Otherwise, “this new-found energy does not feel grounded to the average person. Once we clean our minds and bodies, we are able to live with the lightness that less eating and a clean body will produce and we will be able ready to get in touch with a much higher place.” This is something that I have discovered and experienced myself, and it is truly an amazing experience and feeling. You may also discover that you need less sleep, but still have more energy!

David Wolfe, who is considered by peers to be one of the world’s leading authorities on nutrition, offers in his book Eating for Beauty (2002), a simple explanation for the value of eating a raw food diet: ”Enlightenment is just that – making yourself lighter.” Wolfe says raw plant foods, laughter, joy, bliss and unconditional love all exist on the same frequency. He says that tuning into this frequency raises the overall vibration of your energy field, causing anything that is vibrating at a lower frequency, such as fear, pain, doubt, cancer, ugliness, depression and toxins to eventually percolate out to be ejected from the body. This is detoxification. According to Wolfe, eating raw plant foods triggers a transformative process that allows you to rebuild yourself at a deep level.

This was just a little introduction to raw foods and a raw, vegan lifestyle. There is so much on this topic and so much information. However, for many it can be extremely challenging to change diet, and many give up along the way. To change habits and beliefs that you have been told your whole life, is something that takes a great deal of strength and determination to do. But it will be worth it. Do not be a prisoner of your food anymore. Do not let food control your life, do not let it make you unhappy any longer; break free and LIVE! Be alive. Be happy and discover how magical and amazing life truly can be!

Remember this statement from Wendell Berry: “People are fed by the FOOD industry, which pays no attention to HEALTH. And are treated by the HEALTH industry, which pays no attention to FOOD.”

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

When the diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When the diet is correct medicine is of no need. – Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb

~ After writing this I also learned that it is fully possible to not consume anything at all. However, to maintain such a high vibration and pure positive “beingness” can be challenging in this physical environment where the density can be quite heavy. But it’s fully possible, and there are people in the world who live like this. If you manage, it’s really the most amazing experience. To sustain yourself by pure light energy and not have to consume anything physical. All is energy and although most plants and fruits don’t mind being consumed, I still sometimes wish I didn’t have to. But certain foods may also help us stay grounded and centered on Earth. And they usually give their blessing that we may eat them, and the love and energy they give is wonderful.

In any situation, let your heart be your guide ❤

Credit: spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com


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