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Mindful Move: Arrive Stress-Free At Your New Home

Mindful Move: Arrive Stress-Free At Your New Home

Moving into a new home can be one of the most exciting and stressful experiences at the same time. Aside from making sure everything’s packed, there’s also an element of sadness since you’re saying goodbye to your old home. You’ve probably created many impacting memories and leaving all that isn’t easy. Still, going to a different place should be treated as a brand-new opportunity for creating even better memories and fun new experiences. With that in mind, there are certain things you should (and shouldn’t) do if you want to have a smooth transition from your old home to a new one.

Organizing mindfully

Organizing mindfully

Even if you’re not the most orderly person out there, you can still make a few exceptions, especially when it comes to moving to a different home. Keeping a journal and to-do lists is a great way to keep track of things that you’ve done and those that you’ll do next. Also, using box labels will definitely help you to remember where all the belongings are, especially if you appear to have too many. It’s recommended to group them into categories (e.g. kitchenware) instead of aimlessly cluttering them together. Even though that requires more organisation, it’s much better and you’ll have less workload once you arrive at your new home. If you still find it too hard to meticulously sort everything, ask a friend or family member for help. That way, you’ll also have someone to keep you company while you’re packing

Mindfulness and peace of mind are essential

Mindfulness and peace of mind are essential

Unless you’re a super collected person, it’s understandable if you get panicky when thinking about moving. There’s simply too much to handle and if you haven’t done it before, you can find yourself a bit lost. Therefore, it’s important to take a deep breath and not panic. Ask your partner and children to get involved with packing and driving. Ask friends for help and support — nobody expects you do everything by yourself. Also, if you’re a micromanager, try to give others the benefit of the doubt and let them help you. However, though barking out orders can come naturally to you, others may find it overwhelming, so do try to stay calm.

Maximizing all the resources

Maximizing all the resources

Having moving boxes is definitely something you need, but in order to avoid cluttering, use the luggage you usually take when you travel somewhere. Even better, borrow some from friends and family and then return it once you’re done. Aside from the luggage, you can also use backpacks, duffel bags and other various bags you own. You should also get vacuum bags since they don’t take up a lot of space and can be perfect for transporting heavy winter jackets, coats and shoes.

No need to rush

No need to rush

It might seem tempting to move everything at one go and be done with it, but, the truth is, you’ll probably have to go back and forth to ensure you’ve got everything. If you’re struggling to find a mode of transport or your car simply isn’t enough, consider using Budget truck hire that can provide you with a big enough vehicle so you can move all your things without the unnecessary stress. Coming back to get the remaining belongings isn’t something you should dread, but it’s definitely better when you can be finished with it as quickly as possible. That’s why being well-organised comes in handy, since everything is much easier to do once there’s a plan in front of you.

Being proactive is the key

Being proactive is the key

Moving takes time and planning, so it’s advisable to start early. Maybe you used to study the night before the test at college and succeeded, but with moving, time management is essential. Aside from organizing transportation, packing, sorting and labeling, there’s always an element of surprise, meaning that you never know if something can go wrong, so it’s always better to have everything covered in case of an emergency. Instead of trying to do everything in the last minute, it’s better to start on time, preferably two weeks before. But, in case you’re too busy with work and other obligations, starting a couple of days prior to the move is also okay.

To conclude: you can’t completely avoid stress when you decide to switch homes, but you can take some of these steps to minimize it. Always remember that asking for help is fine and that stress-free moving is always possible, only if you’re well-prepared and on the dot.

traceyc1About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."


Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Tracy Clayton © 2019 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."

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