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On Developing Your Clairvoyance

Developing Your Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly with your inner eye. Many people regard clairvoyance with some ambivalence: either they dismiss it as a clever “parlor trick,” developed from an ability to read subtle body language and facial expressions, or they view it with a measure of awe, as some “magical gift” that’s only attainable if you happen to be the seventh son of a seventh son, for example.

The fact is we are all clairvoyant. Recognizing and developing your intuitive abilities has many practical, down-to-earth uses in one’s life. In today’s culture, we have access to more information than ever before. Much of it is true for someone, but it may not be accurate for you. Understanding and utilizing your intuitive abilities to discern your truth from that which is not true for you lead to a greater awareness of your own internal skills and abilities.

Employing your intuitive abilities is like having software that filters your incoming email and places those pieces you’re not interested in, or don’t resonate with, in the junk folder. This handy piece of software is already available to you. It came s standard equipment, bundled with your hard drive. The art is remembering it, turning that software back on, and using it.

“But wait a minute,” you say. “I don’t need intuition or clairvoyance. My information comes from reliable sources—magazines, the Internet, friends and family, and books. They wouldn’t mislead me.” Well, most likely that’s correct.

They may not intentionally mislead you, but their truth may not be yours. When you utilize your intuitive abilities, whether that ability is clairvoyance, telepathy or clairaudience, you will recognize whether the information given to you is aligned with your greater good long before you become entangled with it. Wouldn’t your life be a whole lot easier if you had that skill? This skill already exists within you … it’s just been hiding under a belief system that isn’t yours! And it is not that difficult to access.

You already are intuitive

Let us give you some additional examples of how this valuable ability may benefit you:

  • You will find yourself in present time versus in the future or past. Because you are operating in present time you are clearly able to see your options, as well as the appropriate response for each situation in which you find yourself.
  • This clarity will increase your general awareness.
  • You will begin to walk through life with Presence and Certainty. This doesn’t mean in arrogance. This is a gentle, pervasive knowing that you are in management of your life.
  • You will find doubt and fear begin to disappear, and your ability to take charge of your business life and personal life will increase very quickly.
  • The games that you play with others, such as judgment, victim, intimidation, control, blame, competition, etc., begin to end.
  • You begin to recognize and change the beliefs that you have allowed to dominate and operate in your life. Have you ever said that you sound just like your mother or father? Where do you think you learned to respond that way? Precisely! When you turn on your ability to intuitively see these energy patterns, they begin to change.

Intuition is as natural as breathing or eating. By making it a part of your conscious mode of operation, you will become more aligned with who you are. Someone once said, “Make thine eye single and you will see the light (your truth).” He was talking about clearing out all the noise that keeps you from experiencing your natural spiritual abilities, and then deliberately using them to see your own truth.

Once we have cleared out some of this noise (i.e., the untrue beliefs), we begin to see the “light.” In other words, the light of truth (our own truth) soon becomes what we live by and what we allow to guide our decisions. The twists and turns of life become easier and less dramatic or stressful, because that inner guidance system within us is once again being utilized. It provides us with the direction to take this turn or that.

Opening to and developing your intuition and other spiritual abilities will allow you to see and experience yourself more completely. You will also discover how Capable you are.

Chapter 22 - Developing Your Clairvoyance - Excerpted from "What Do You Mean the Third Dimension Is Going Away?"


Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950

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PLEASE NOTE: Universal Copyright 2010 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the website www.masteringalchemy.com is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a noncommercial no charge basis.

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