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Tips for Embracing Your Psychic Potential
Written by Sally Benson

A survey carried out by YouGov found that a third of people believe they've had a psychic experience. Psychic phenomena such as telepathy and precognition are common and should not be dismissed, especially considering that we still don’t fully understand the epic capacity of the brain. If you embrace the potential psychic abilities that you have, you could be unlocking a new level of consciousness that would otherwise lay dormant. This can help you to relate to the universe in ways that you could only dream of before.
Your personality type
Of all the Myers-Briggs personality types, the INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging) are considered to be the most likely to have psychic abilities. They are great at picking up hidden meanings, understanding patterns and looking at possibilities and insights. They are extremely intuitive and pick up easily on people’s emotions and thoughts. No matter what your own personality type is, you can build upon the natural skills of the INFJ through practice. Everyday, look for the clues that nature is trying to show us, as those patterns aren’t just coincidence.
Going With Your Instinct
Instinct isn’t just a gut feeling — it's a science. It is somebody’s natural disposition towards a certain behaviour. In fact instinct is hereditary; the patterns and responses that we have to different sorts of stimuli are passed down through generations. Even in species like rats, scientific studies have found that their responses to primary emotions, such as fear, are inherited from their biological family. Instinct may not always seem logical to you, but it is very powerful and comes from hundreds of years of human experience. If your gut is telling you one thing, then listen to it. This feeling comes from your inner psyche and is important to acknowledge.
Learn how to focus
If you want to embrace your psychic abilities, you first need to learn how to focus them, so that you have a clear vision of the message you are being given. Many psychics like to use different tools to help them find the answers that they are looking for, such as tarot cards or runes. These tools are a good way to learn how to focus and make sure that you are asking the universe the right questions. It also helps if you have a clear mind, so try and learn to block out the mental noise that sometimes feels like it is bombarding you from all sides. Practising mindfulness and meditation techniques is a great way of doing this. This way you can hone in on your mind’s eye — also known in Buddhism as The Third Eye. This will move your normal perception beyond the earthly plains so you can see things that are beyond ordinary sight.
We all have psychic potential that is locked inside us, merely waiting to be used. Embracing this can help you to connect with the universe and those around you like you never have before.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
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