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2015 Predictions Update - Coming in 2015


Relax a bit and take a deep breath as the New Year begins – a gentler and lighter energy in the air. You have witnessed and likely lived through many complex challenges in recent times. The year 2014 was not an easy one, to be sure.

As mentioned in my 2015 Predictions article published in November, much is changing in our world. The changes are nothing short of a miracle, with long-outmoded institutions coming under the magnifying glass in a very public way. This process of disclosure and unveiling, while not complete, has set in motion the momentum needed for the most radical revolutionary shift to date. By the time it’s finished, society’s key nonworking power structures and ways of being will have been scrutinized and taken out of the closet for airing.

The tumultuous stage we have just lived through indeed set a foundation to shift our planet into the higher frequency octaves of love. Much still needs to be done to remedy imbalances, so in 2015 you will be hearing a lot about actions needed to follow up the foundation established so far.

Divine Changemakers in 2015

You have come a long way on your soul’s journey to be here now. As 2015 begins, consider this long passage and the big picture of your overall role as a divine changemaker. A changemaker is one who is instrumental in making beneficial changes, within and in the world. A divine changemaker approaches change from a spiritually-grounded perspective, recognizing the divine nature of all beings and all life.

The emergence of divine changemakers from all walks of life and all corners of the world is a pivotal force, creating abundant positive impetus. It is because of people like you, awakening to the truth of your own divine nature, that even more progress can be made in the coming times. Trust this.

Know that once we cross the threshold into 2015, the beneficial push already under way will continue. The quantum part of you can sense this positive energy – it is palpable. Your quantum self, not bound by linear markers, has the big picture that spirit sees. That perspective includes the future, which is where you are headed based on energies and actions now unfolding. Since much of what’s developing can be outside your ordinary radar, invite your inner wisdom to connect you with the larger quantum view.

The full moon this weekend is a perfect opportunity to focus on the kind of life you want to manifest in 2015. Energies in the first few days of the New Year can set the stage for a powerful manifesting process! Ahead of the weekend, consider setting some intentions, using the following as an example to stir ideas. Even as you write the intentions and voice them out loud, you have created a plan that is alive and full of potentials.

2015 Intentions List

FIRST – deepen the connection to spirit, expanding it to become more tangible in the everyday world. This includes having enhanced heart connection, increased intuition, and an expanded ability to live authentically. It also includes listening more of the time to discern the beneficial nudges from spirit.

SECOND, raise frequency to the higher vibrational level of love, facilitating the ability to generate abundance. This includes being able to manifest what is in the highest good – becoming an open vessel for receiving goodness and maintaining a balance in all things. It also includes clearing old DNA-level patterns involving money and receiving.

THIRD, discover and successfully take the next key steps on the path of enlightenment. This includes becoming aware of and addressing blocks to spiritual growth. It also includes discovering more about life purpose and connecting with people instrumental to progress on the path.

As you reflect on your intentions, remember the power of your words to create. You are creating all the time with your mind! Choose the words with care. Base your words on the present and where you desire to be headed next. Leave plenty of wiggle room, too, so you can adjust to reflect changing circumstances.

Be open to the idea that your very best moments are yet to come – you are going to be creating them moment by moment. You are at the helm!


You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia


Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2014 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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