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Courage to Change

Courage to Change

-Where We Go From Here- 

What's unfolding now with George Floyd's death and the protests over racism is an important beginning in changing how we see and treat each other. This beginning - because it represents one of humanity's most challenging issues and is embedded into the very fabric of our society - requires our long-term commitment and courage. Continue reading to understand what this courage involves and how we can sustain a courageous response long enough to affect real change.


Throughout human history there have been protests bringing light to injustices, and in some cases catalyzing significant changes and laws. As an example, the 1960s was a decade of numerous protests. In the US, protests against the Vietnam War were effective in changing public opinion. And, yes, the US finally ended its participation in the Vietnam War - at a huge cost of lives.  

Did the US leadership, however, address the root causes of why the US for hundreds of years has used war and regime change in other countries as its playbook for wielding power? No.  

Have US citizens, until relatively recently, protested the cost of wars, realizing that as taxpayers they are funding the wars? No.    

As we can see from these examples, it takes a sustained and heroic effort to challenge the status quo and entrenched power structures. At the root of these structures is a foundation built upon oppression and entitlement of the few. Racism is among the dark threads of this foundation.

Where Do We Go From Here

You may be asking yourself where we go from here. That's actually one of the best questions we must start with to impact real change. From that question will come others, as we explore what each of us can do to be a part of solutions our world needs.    

Our role as divine changemakers is to be at the forefront of change. As part of that, we are called to stay "awake" to what's going on and to educate ourselves about issues. We must do this even with issues we may feel have no personal relevance to us.  

Here's what we're up against as we take the next steps to affect needed changes.

Firstly, it's the 24-hour news cycle that tends to spotlight one issue for a while, then move on to something else.  

Secondly, it's our learned tendency to educate ourselves only with headlines and social media posts - thinking we have the whole or correct picture.  

Thirdly, it's our conditioning of impatience and closed-mindedness to radically different ideas - giving us a blind spot and causing us to become so weary of issues that we want to turn off the world.  

As you can see, it's not easy to sustain the beneficial energy of protests with meaningful actions in the world.    

We Came for the Challenge

We incarnated now, not because it would be easy, but because our inner wisdom knew we were up for the challenge to break the long spell of racism and oppression. We were born encoded for these times, and equipped more than we know, to face these and other atrocities preventing a more loving world. We can do this.  

The Courage to Be Visible  

We must face our challenge with courage, reminding ourselves that this quality is essential. Some of this courage is an 'inside job', looking within ourselves in ways we previously didn't, to explore our beliefs and our conditioning. We must be willing to change our minds and see ourselves in new ways. If we can't do that, how can we help others to change?

It takes great courage and self-love to admit you were wrong or misjudged others for their beliefs. It takes even more strength to change your stance on an issue after new information has come to light. Be one who in today's divided society can embrace new views and proactively take part in changing our world for the better.

We must find the courage to be visible, speaking truth to power and questioning the status quo. This must be an ongoing effort.

Our voices need to be heard at the local level, the national level, and in the halls of government. Sometimes this will involve a peaceful protest in the streets. Many other times it will involve communicating with those in power, providing our views of what needs to change. Voting is essential to our voice, as is standing up to oppressive voting systems that discriminate against people of color.  

New leaders are needed at all levels to facilitate reforms - at the corporate level, judicial level, governmental level. New voices are needed in the arenas of climate change, emerging technologies, and solutions for global issues of health, poverty, hunger, clean water, and food supplies.  

None of these reforms will be easy - yet it's an injustice to us and future generations if we fail to put forth our best efforts.    

When a country's citizens are silent about injustices and look away, they allow unthinkable things to continue. Let's say "enough" - it's time to look directly at oppression in all of its forms, and be active participants in changemaking. We've delegated this responsibility for too long, don't you agree?!

Tools to Be Resourced for Courage

Here are a few self-care tools to apply so you are more resourced to be courageous in the world.

As we bring light to so many issues dividing us and preventing a loving world, let's increase our self-care so we stay balanced and able to serve others in the highest ways.

If you have learned to meditate or you like to exercise, both of these tools will help you release stress and tension while clearing your mind.

For those of you in my Divine Changemakers Series of courses, remember to use the tools daily and to take extra time to simply be still and shut off your mind.

For all of you, I recommend being open to new healing tools you haven't yet learned or experienced - or in some cases, if you have learned things but aren't practicing them, renew your practice.

Today's suggestion: diffuse or apply essential oils like Lavender, Clarity, Frankincense, and Valor. These will raise your frequency, diffuse stress, help you to ground and be in your heart.  

When you take care of yourself - daily - you become an unstoppable force of light to others around you, and have the courage to stand up for what is right and good.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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