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Equinox Gateway Preparation


This month’s Equinox may be one of the most potent experienced in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of what you can do now to prepare for beneficial spiritual openings available at this gateway. What you say yes or no to at this juncture could have long-term implications in your life.


As a reminder, we’re sitting in a very powerful energy month. Highlights include a rare culmination Pluto-Uranus planetary lineup happening March 16, sure to catalyze long-lasting waves of changes on both personal and collective levels. Added to that is the total Solar Eclipse with New Moon (a supermoon) at the March 20 Equinox.

Any one of these energy events, but certainly all three, can lead to significant turning points – for humanity as a whole and for you personally. Adding to the intensity, we have a powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on April 4.

These types of planetary events tend to shake up the status quo. Whether you were born in the 1960s or the 1990s, times like this bring to light needed transformational changes – often with an element of surprise.

If there was a Geiger counter to measure fluctuations in your nervous system, imagine how it might be going off the chart as your body processes these volatile energies.
Your nervous system doesn’t like surprises very much, so when things get like this, there’s a tendency to go into either fight or flight mode.
Making decisions in that state can lead you down a path of redos and regrets.

This is just a sampling of the volatile energy undercurrents impacting you and everyone you love. There are more, of course, including this week’s Full Moon (March 5) amplifying things, but this summary is more than enough to ponder right now.

Foresight and Advance Planning

As mentioned in my recent article, foresight and advance planning go a long way during times like this. Having a heads up of what’s to come, and consciously intending how you will respond, can make a huge difference in how you weather the intensity and what benefits you receive at this energy gateway.

Sometimes when you want something and you’ve done all you can do, you must be patient as the universe assembles things. Other times, such as in March with the Equinox and planetary lineups, you need to make yourself available to doorways of opportunity that can appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Prepare for the Equinox Gateway

Here are some tips to prepare for our Equinox gateway. The idea here is to find the inner harmony and balance needed to not only weather the cosmic storm but to be ready to step through a new doorway allowing you to have a wonderful new start.

That’s the jewel available this Equinox, a profound opportunity to set in motion a new direction. This is the potential of seeing yourself in a brand-new way, catalyzing a significant shift in some area of your life.

The change may be something you have thought about or wanted for a long time. It also may be something totally outside your radar – something so new or radical that when you say yes to it, everything in your life experience changes! Here are some things you can do now to be ready.

FIRST: Remember that high-intensity days will amplify feelings and reactions to everyday things. Breathe often and ground yourself in the here and now. Rather than complaining or worrying, focus your mind on being open to the nudges from your Higher Self. When you bring spirit into your everyday reality, everything will flow better and you can avoid needless side trips. Another bonus: when you are fueled by spirit, it’s easier to find compassion for others having a meltdown.

SECOND: Intend daily to be open to the windows of opportunity available at this gateway. Then remember your intention as you navigate the day, acting on your heart’s wisdom. Opportunities often are disguised as something else – like a challenge you must meet before a life-changing event occurs or a random person who annoys you so much that you finally realize you must stop being a doormat.

THIRD: Do some form of meditation daily to clear your mind and reset your energy. You must have quiet and stillness in order to hear the helpful voice of your inner wisdom. Quieting the mind, too, helps you to be present. You must be conscious and awake in present time to benefit fully in these moments. Meditation can help you reduce overthinking and worry about the future, too.

As a divine changemaker, you are encoded to be here now. You have much more strength and preparation than you can possibly realize! After all, this is not your first lifetime here. Keep this overall picture in mind as you move through this cycle. Trust that spirit is right by your side.


You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia


Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2015 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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