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Hello September

Hello September

- Important Steps to Take Now -

In September, 9th month of 2019, the pace of changes escalates and we will have ample opportunities to see ourselves more clearly as we evaluate what steps are needed to fulfill life goals. Get ready for a very active time. Decisions made in September can help lay the foundation for a brighter future. 

Key Steps for Success

With energy momentum accelerating this month, you will want to apply all of your experience and spiritual tools. Daily grounding and deep breathing will be essential - helping you to access your heart's wisdom, have discernment in decision-making, and alleviate stress. Taken to another level, being mindful of your stress level can help you make adjustments and avoid reaction-mode. When you are under increased stress, for example, you will benefit from more meditation and more sleep. 

For Virgos and Libras (sun sign or rising sign), September can be a significant month for recharging your life, renewing your commitment to spiritual growth, and discovering a deeper level of your soul purpose. 

Regardless of your astrological sign, this 9th month of the year can be an important catalyst for spiritual awakening and connecting more with your larger purpose for being on Earth in these unique times. Insights can come to you - sometimes bordering on prophetic - that help you shift your life path in key ways more supportive of your success. I mention these opportunities here, in part to stimulate the intuitive part of you that can step forward and connect with the insights in a meaningful way. 

One thing to keep in mind as the month begins. As the pace of life quickens, avoid losing your focus by being even more present than normal and taking one step at a time. Trust that you are a quantum being with an ability to quickly shift gears and access needed information sitting in your energy field. You will do this best when you focus on one step at a time. What you will discover is that this single-pointed focus helps you open your energy more, allowing you to tap the next insight on an as-needed basis. More guidance and tools for working in this quantum way in "Your Cosmic Self & You." 

September Energy Highlights

First week of September is a mix of energies. Some of them, like the harmonious line-up of Mercury and Uranus, can help you make adjustments needed for improved health, well-being, and work-service projects. Other more chaotic energies may have you feeling challenged or tested in some way. It likely will feel like a lot more arrived on your plate, and you could feel stressed by the sheer magnitude of what shows up. Relax and remember to breathe often. As noted earlier, one step at a time.

Full Moon in Pisces on September 13-14 could stir lots of emotions on a number of fronts. This is the case even for people who don't typically get emotional. Factor this into your own life and your interactions with others. Some of the emotional overload has to do with the sense of uncertainty prevailing during this moon cycle. Discernment could be challenged too, in part because the energies could blur reality just enough to cause doubt or misinterpretation of guidance. Knowing this, take extra steps validating your intuitive knowing to avoid re-dos. 

Equinox falls on September 23, day the Sun enters Libra. This will be a powerful energy gateway for making changes and embarking on new projects. Consider things you have talked about doing or being - perhaps for quite a while - and invite a knowing of next steps and how you facilitate them. 

Libra New Moon on September 28, last Saturday of the month. This is a good time to focus on initiating positive changes in key relationships. I suggest picking one or two people in your personal or business life, using this time to contemplate what needs to shift for more harmony and then taking constructive action steps to address what's out of balance. I suggest doing some advance work on this theme during the Equinox gateway. If you attend an Equinox meditation, invite insights and healing of unproductive dynamics. 

Remember: relationships are a jewel along your spiritual path, each one of them assisting you with self-evolution. There are no accidental relationships. Souls come together for a reason. Honor that. Be grateful you have this valuable feedback system.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2019 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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