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July Madness Tips


Full Moon Week Higher View

The week of a Full Moon is when you want to have your discernment antenna turned on “high alert.” Things tend to get amplified and regular life dramas tend to be expanded upon. Also, the craziness of the world, amplified beyond the usual, is impacting people on a personal level, adding to the intensity people are feeling. These amplifications are not really that unusual, but these are unusual times. Old norms often have little application during these moments.

Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon peaks July 19 as it sits in Capricorn. This particular cycle is stirring issues of mastering this physical reality. It is also catalyzing people to self-reflect on things like life foundation, balance, and expanding views on limitations. Another key thing about this cycle is that its impact is likely to be felt for more days than usual, in part because of how connected we all are and types of universal themes surfacing within the collective.

As I’ve been writing about on social media, the pace and extent of dramas is likely to accelerate even more now as we step into Tuesday’s Full Moon energy and a host of high-profile debates involving politics, culture, injustices, and how we live on this small planet. I’ve been suggesting that we walk gently and with love. Easier said than done, of course. Read on to find out what else each of us can do to navigate these energies.

Fluctuations: Focus, Energy, Time

One feature of this week is the potential for wide fluctuations. For example, between now and Thursday you may find yourself needing to pay extra attention and make extra effort to complete tasks. It may feel like time disappeared when you need to get things done. Your focus may dart all over the place. Don’t take this personally – this is much more than you. Everyone is affected by the planetary dance of challenges along with the Full Moon. Breathe.

Self-Monitor Communications

Communications are amplified now. Be an example of heart-centered communications, doing your best to self-monitor words when you are emotional or just very passionate about something.

There’s lots of fiery energy in the air. Count to 10 before you respond to upsetting or unsettling events. Loved ones may act out of character, strangers may do strange things. Do your best to remain the calm voice of reason within your circles.

Feel you reached a breaking point with someone and strong words must be said no matter what? Current energies could be stirring some very passionate feelings, so factor that in before you make your declarations. Invite your wise self to guide you with optimal words, timings, and delivery. Sometimes journaling about your feelings or speaking them in the air when you are alone helps take the edge off – then you can say things in a more loving way.

Bigger Picture Positives

One way to find your calm zone more quickly now is to remember as unusual things are unfolding quickly that there is a larger picture to the world’s remake. Much is happening behind the scenes and humanity’s ascension is speeding up exponentially!

Yes, the drama you are seeing played out in the news is crazy and you don’t want to subject yourself to repeated replays of sound bites. However, avoid the temptation to numb the senses or purposefully tune out as we sit in some of the most challenging moments to be alive. Many things just won’t make sense. Other things you may simply wish you didn’t know about, they are so weird or horrible. Still, your wise self knows you must stay conscious and aware in order to benefit from the gifts of these times and to help others.

Be an example of the multidimensional self you are too. This means avoid black-and-white thinking and responses to dramas being played out on the world stage. As the tempo of weirdness is turned up this week, stay in your center so that you as a being can benefit. You are not here to simply watch a show or comment on what is being said. You are alive now in these particular moments to be an integral part of the planet’s awakening.

As a reminder, the outer world is not random but a reflection of the inner state of humanity. Use each round of craziness and whatever personal response you have to go within and discover what from any lifetime is being triggered so you can work on and clear this at a DNA level. Each time you address an issue in your DNA, you help your own awakening and assist in a healing of the collective. All of us carry old dysfunctional patterns from humanity’s long past. Each time we personally clear something that’s also in the collective, we add to the momentum of humanity’s ascension.

Friday – Weekend Good News

On Friday we have some good news! The Sun then moves into the sign of Leo for the coming month, and it can feel like the sun came out on a dark day – literally. Self-confidence may get a boost, and you may have more energy and stamina to get things done. This is a fortuitous time, therefore, to allow yourself and your gifts to shine and to use your creativity to break through what seemed impenetrable before!

On the weekend – even with the backdrop of continuing outer world combative vibes – we have some helpful cosmic energy supportive of teamwork, cooperation, partnerships, heart openings, and creative approaches. Use this foresight to enhance your life potentials and joy.

Spirit is always with you, helping you to make sense of your Earthly experience. Tune into this help regularly so that you can soar above the chaos and find comfort when nothing makes sense.

selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

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