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Life in a Construction Zone

Life in a Construction Zone

- Navigating Time Warps -

If you're like most of us, life in 2020 seems like a series of endless twists and turns and at times like you're trapped in a construction zone. Certainly with the global pandemic, the energy of uncertainty and unknowns is ever-present. When we temporarily forget that this is global rather than personal, we can feel frustrated or even angry that our "normal" vanished. Even our sense of time has shifted. Continue reading for context and suggestions.


The feeling of living in a construction zone can be oppressive and limiting. Our ego-self rebels and wants "out." It would be one thing if the seemingly-restrictive construction zone was temporary and we had an end-date. If we had that, we could fantasize about that future and perhaps obsess less about the difficulty of staying the course.

In Earth's Pivotal Years I wrote about this:

"You live in a grand reconfiguration process that is both personal and planetary. The shifting that is occurring, though it has been under way for a very long time, will lead to a radical reshaping of life on Earth. Many worn-out structures and ways of being will be disappearing. You now live in a construction zone. The new Earth is not yet created. Society is dismantling the outmoded one, piece by piece. The new foundation will reflect an understanding of interconnectedness. It will recognize wholeness and a cooperative spirit."

For a very long time we've been slowly building to the point reached in 2020. This year a number of relatively rare events and planetary energy cycles coalesced simultaneously - setting in motion what we are experiencing now. A pivotal catalyst was the global pandemic, which has forced us to look beyond ourselves and discover ways to cohabit the Earth in a compassionate way.

Would we be making these leaps without the pandemic? No one can say for sure. My sense is that we "needed" this big of a wake-up call to reassess how we were living together on the Earth. Further, it feels like the pandemic was a divine orchestration of quantum proportions that could, if it lasted long enough, get us to stop and sit around the "global table" with each other. When we are present and begin seeing each other compassionately - rather than as the "other" - we can change virtually any problematic situation facing us now.

On Facebook this week I wrote:

"July will be unlike any other July we've experienced. We've had eclipses and high energy events other years - but the global pandemic has changed our daily life in ways we cannot yet fully conceptualize or process. Walk gently, apply compassion, strive to do your best responding to uncertainty and the unexpected. Trust that the Universe has a higher plan and that you will discover new normals even better than the ones you felt comfortable with."

Factor in this larger picture as you navigate the chaos and find new ways to shine your light and serve your highest purpose in the world. Know that we collectively are in this dance of change together - you are never alone.

Navigating Time Warps

For many of us, time has taken on a whole new meaning since the pandemic started. From a linear perspective, time is the same it always was. An hour is an hour, a month is a month. From a quantum view, however, time is fluid and can be experienced differently one moment to the next. Sometimes we feel things are taking Way Too Long and we get impatient. Other times, we marvel at how quickly situations unfold, seemingly overnight.

Examples of Time Warps

This year a cherished goal you have long sought can begin to manifest in your life with seeming ease. In reality from a big-picture perspective, the efforts you applied over time - linking up with our 2020 energies in tandem with your personal astrology - brought the goal into fruition.

Stay-at-home during the pandemic could be altering your sense of time. One reason is that it's unfamiliar and you don't have the usual ways to evaluate the time of your day. A second reason is that being at home more gives you "permission" to have more moments of quiet time or fun with your family. A third reason, for some of you, is that you aren't spending hours commuting or driving to meetings that now can be done online.

How you evaluate your progress can be impacted too. With your typical norms not available and your needing to constantly adapt to new things, you could be underestimating how much you have learned and how many benefits are accruing because you were forced to adapt and be more flexible.

A key quality in the 2020s will indeed be adaptability and flexibility. The more each of us hones these essential skills, the more we will progress and be able to make a difference in the world.

Lastly, because societal change happens more slowly when only portions of the collective are focused on making the changes, the pandemic is a blessing. Our entire world is focused on it, individuals and society-at-large making changes unheard of in other historical times.

As you, as part of the collective, update viewpoints and approaches, there is a warp-speed momentum created. This leads to the potential of a flashpoint in consciousness not possible before now. This can change your entire spiritual awakening trajectory. This can elevate humanity's future potentials - facilitating a world based on love and wholeness.

Your Action Steps

I suggest contemplating these ideas. Invite your inner wisdom to reveal what is most relevant to you

now. Take into your daily spiritual practice a knowing that you are purposefully here now and that you want to be resourced to be and do what you were born to be and do.

I look forward to your feedback on these themes and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2020. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!
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