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Optimizing October Energies

Optimizing October Energies

Your Guide to the Month

October is one of those months you will look back on years from now, remembering key societal markers involving revolutionary change. Notable developments include an unprecedented unmasking of the patriarchy and the light shining in a very public way on deep wounds felt by both the oppressed and oppressors. Imbalances of all sorts will take center stage, a spiritual cleansing taking place. You are part of society, of course, so be prepared to look inward for your own balancing. Continue reading to better understand what this means and your role.


The shadow of humanity is coming up for healing in a big way. This is a needed element in shifting our planet into one of love. We can't move forward without seeing the larger picture of what keeps our society divided.  

We've been in this process for quite a while. It's not surprising that people often feel weary about this, impatient about how long this is taking. What I can tell you, though, is that progress is being made and we must be persistent and determined in our quest to shift this planet into love. It will happen. There already is so much love here, even if it appears sidelined by the division and polarization.  

Daily we must come back to a focus on the love, and express that love as best we can. We must be courageous in standing up for what is right and good. This is our role as divine changemakers.   

"You came to Earth to have a front-row seat as the Earth ascends into a higher conscoiusness. Your movement into higher levels of being won't always feel comfortable. Sometimes you will question whether you can go on, but do not worry. The eternal you has no doubt that you can take the leap that you came to take." - from my book Earth's Pivotal Years.  

I repeat that here knowing that sometimes we need to be reminded of the long view. We are not lightweights. We are not quitters. We are vast quantum beings with a long history evolving on this planet before this life. That perspective is very important right now.   

October Transforming Energies

A number of transforming energies will be impacting us in October. I'll outline a few of them here, and what you need to know to optimize benefits.

First is the Libra balancing energy of October. The sign Libra is about striving for balance between polarities - it seeks harmony, justice, and relationship. As this balancing energy plays out in society, do your own inner work. Explore what may be out of balance in your personal life, your relationships, and your work. Be open to discovering new ways to look at old problems, new ways to look at others, new ways to look at yourself.

Energies as October begins will catalyze a deeper look at relationships and how people publicly and privately engage with one another. Strive to be kind and open-minded. Remember that there are two sides to every situation. You don't need to agree with the "other side," but applying openness in dialogue can engender compassion and a move towards finding common ground.    

Second is the Venus retrograde starting October 5 to November 16. The sign Venus is about love, beauty, values, and relationship. When Venus goes retrograde, old unresolved issues in relationships can come up for healing. Sometimes this is with a current partner, an issue off the radar becoming visible and needing resolution. Other times, it may be a very old wound involving a partner no longer in one's life - coming to the surface now because it's a block to love with others. In still other instances, the retrograde may mean an old lover reappears in one's life, bringing up something to look at.   

In my 1-1 DNA healing sessions focused on love relationships, I find it's common to be blocked in manifesting a new partner when there are unresolved issues with a previous person. Identifying and healing those old issues at a DNA level is key to moving forward.  

Other effects of Venus retrograde involve values. Don't be surprised if you feel called to reflect on what's important to you, on many levels. The energies will support taking a deeper look at what you care about, what you enjoy, and what in society you value. Begin reflecting on these things now. Remember: we individually and collectively create our world by our presence, focus, heart, and mind. We can have the most impact by being present to what we value and what we want to preserve about our way of life. If something is important to us, we can stand up for that, becoming an active conscious voice.  

Third is the Libra New Moon of October 8-9.  This provides the opportunity to give your relationships a tune-up - observing what's out of balance and making needed course corrections. It's also the best time to begin something new. If you apply that as a RX for a stale or troubled relationship - e.g. starting an exercise routine you enjoy together - this could be a plus. Sometimes what a relationship needs most is variety and a change of routine.    

Fourth is the Taurus Full Moon of October 24. Energies of this moon will catalyze a deeper look at things in your life that are blocking your progress. This could be anything from destructive habits and things you no longer need to negative character traits like judgement, self-pity, and pride.   

Fifth is a balancing of your inner male and inner female. Regardless of whether you are male or female, the two need to be in balance. Events unfolding in society will give you clues about what to focus on.   

In my "Predictions 2018" eBook I wrote about the cultural shift involving women and how the balance between men and women is up for a big review this year. In 2017 we had the #MeToo movement, and this year mistreatment of women is getting an even larger spotlight during the Supreme Court nomination hearings in the US Senate. Both of these will set the stage for many more changes in our society over the coming decade.  

In my eBook I said: "The cultural shift is not about punishing men or pushing them off into a corner. The foundational issue is the abuse of power - the kind of ego power that dishonors and hurts others. Both sexes house the divine, and each has a beneficial role to play."

Remember as you witness events to keep a higher view and an open mind. We are all in this Earthly experience together. We must stay strong to help ourselves and others. Our love and our light-filled actions are what will make the difference. Trust this.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2017 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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