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Peace at Full Moon


Find Inner Peace at July 31 Full Moon

Two full moons in July, with their expansive and cumulative effect, can help you amplify the good you have put in motion this month. With Friday’s full moon just around the corner, you want to be present to what you have intended and energize your aspirations. Do this now and even throughout the weekend as we sit in the window of this Aquarius full moon.

Energizing Your Aspirations

Being present to what you want to create is a key factor in your success. Right now, consider up to three goals you set in early July. Name them out loud. Visualize each of them as having manifested in present time. Imagine yourself enjoying the fruits of each one, feeling it in your body and in your heart center. Do this even for things that may be unfolding in stages over the coming weeks.

At this particular full moon, you may become even more aware of a time warp and the constant acceleration in the pace of your life. Those factors have been ongoing in the background for a while already.

Full Moon Effect

When we have a full moon, however, you may feel these things more – and in a really visceral way. For no rational reason, you may feel like you have lost track of time or like you missed an appointment that’s not even on your schedule until tomorrow.

You may be checking your phone more often, too, sensing that a call or text has come in earlier than expected. Your gut may tell you to do this, perhaps because a project you’ve been energizing and working towards is about to get a green light! Since timing can be everything with such things, be mindful and ready to act on incoming communications. Even with things not quite ready to culminate, when you place your focus on them now, you can add a vital energetic push.

Energy Backdrop to Factor In

Benefit most from this cycle with awareness and an active heart-centered presence. Factor in our current energies as you take actions and engage with others. Right now, for example, we’re still sitting in moments of radical shifting – a magnifying glass being put on what needs to change throughout society. Since the “what” is pretty much everything – all structures, institutions, and old-paradigm ways of being – the level of uncertainty and turmoil seems to go up a level on a regular basis. If you’re like most people, you have been redefining yourself fairly regularly – revisiting goals and priorities, and seeking additional ways to find your calm zone.

The energies of these volatile moments are also bringing humanity’s attention to the larger issues involved as we cohabit this planet with other humans and life forms. You’re probably noticing some of this in the news this week, with injustices tolerated for a long time now getting such a big spotlight that they cannot be ignored. This is early days – much more like this will be unfolding in the coming times as we shift our planet into one of light.

Find Your Inner Peace

How do you find your inner peace when we have this kind of roller coaster ride? In fact, even asking that question on an hourly basis right now will help you to stay present enough to avoid quite a few needless dramas. Here are a few other timely tips that can help you sail through these energies with more calm – and with more successful outcomes!

First remedy involves relationships. Your ability to feel peaceful depends a lot on how you view yourself and how you manage your responses to other people. When we have a full moon, not only are the tides affected – our relationships with others are too. Be mindful of words, actions, and the back story of how you engage with others. Many things in your interactions may be amplified off the scale! Be conscious, be kind, be loving. Listen as much or more than you talk.

Second remedy involves surprises. We have more than the usual amount of expected twists and turns right now. Do what you can to get more comfortable with unanticipated changes – positive and negative. Oftentimes surprises can feel dramatic, and if you already had your quota of drama for the day, you could feel on overload. Set your intention to be open to information and out-of-the-ordinary scheduling. A goal you’ve been working towards could unexpectedly come to fruition. Your roof long in need of repair may start leaking, rain coming down on the table where you’ve been working on your current creative project. Stay in your heart and connected to the bigger picture of things.

Third remedy involves your inner critic. You will enjoy more inner peace now by silencing the inner critical voice that makes you feel less than others. This is a learned response but it is not you. At your core, you are love and you accept yourself as you are. You naturally want to improve yourself and evolve – that’s part of your enlightenment. What’s not natural is a constant barrage of negative self-talk that has you doubting your every move and whether you can succeed. Everyone has an inner critic as part of societal conditioning. Don’t judge yourself. Pay attention, though, when it stirs self-doubt or comparisons with others. No one else can be you. No one else can shine light to beneficially impact the world like you can. Trust this. Invite your inner critic to take a vacation. You deserve it.


You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia


Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2015 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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