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Prepare for 9/21 Equinox Gateway


by Selacia

(Note from Selacia:  Equinox officially occurs on 9/22 – the gateway is being celebrated 9/21 with a global meditation I’m offering to help people connect with higher frequencies and move through the gateway in the most beneficial way. Adding to the intensity and beneficial potential of the weekend is the 9/19 full moon, amplifying effects of inner work and meditation. To connect with our 9/21 Equinox global meditation: http://selacia.com/schedule.)

The upcoming Equinox is one of the key energy gateways left in 2013. Other gateways include November’s solar eclipse at the new moon.  As you experience each of these gateways, you have an opportunity to greatly accelerate your spiritual growth and to find a new balance in your life.

Understanding Energy Gateways

What is an energy gateway? It’s a powerful window of time when you can perceive more about yourself and your world.

It’s a time when you can connect more tangibly with spirit and benevolent unseen forces – receiving helpful insights about your life direction.

It’s a time when you have expanded levels of help in moving through your obstacles and in clearing old stuff no longer serving you.

Leading up to one of these energy gateways, it’s common to experience a roller coaster ride, feeling on top of the world some days and other days feeling in despair about your next step.

You also can have headaches and other unexplainable, uncomfortable physical symptoms just before or even on the gateway date.
If this happens to you, understand that you are processing energy, and as you do this, you may feel tired or have temporary discomfort.

As an experienced practitioner, you learn that these temporary symptoms are not cause for alarm. You understand that you will move through them more easily when you go within and participate in spiritual processes designed to raise your frequency.

Feeling okay this week, but still dizzy from the recent ups-and-downs?  Here’s some perspective.

The Recent Roller Coaster Ride

Your recent roller coaster ride of the past several weeks indeed was even more intense than some cycles you experienced in 2012.

To understand why, remember that there was a massive buildup of energies throughout 2012, leading up to the Solstice of December 21, 2012.

At the end of each up-and-down cycle throughout 2012, you could tap into a higher frequency of energy. Sometimes the feeling was palpable. Other times you simply knew the higher energy was there, and you intentionally tapped into it.

This up-and-down cycle happened numerous times in 2012, and with each energy gateway there was an increasing momentum.

There are many misconceptions about what the 12/21 Solstice date meant for your spiritual progression, and certainly what it meant in tangible everyday practical terms.

Yes, the energies you tapped into and helped co-create leading up to the 12/21 Solstice were a higher frequency than before – and you did have significant spiritual growth opportunities unavailable in earlier cycles.

However, the 12/21 Solstice was not the final moment in your ascension and spiritual progression.

Those things happen in a process over time.
It took you a very long time – including spiritual growth in numerous past lives – to get to the energetic phase of spiritual growth in which you now reside.

Do not underestimate what it took you to achieve this.
Do not discount the windy – and often tricky path – you traveled to get where you are today.

You want to honor yourself – and honor where you have been – to get to this point.

Have gratitude that you have been able to be one of those who could stay on the spiritual path through all of the unknowns, all of the doubts, and all of the rocky terrain.

To do what you have done takes great mastery, great dedication, and great perseverance. It takes great self-love and self-trust, too.

Yours certainly is not a path for lightweights. It takes great courage. It requires that you integrate spirit into your everyday life, and that you learn to live in your heart rather than your ego.

It takes continued inner work and self-reflection, your being willing to address unfinished business of your past. This past includes this life, past lives, and even the DNA-level impact of your ancestral patterns.

Understanding Advanced States on the Path

Ironically, the level of inner work associated with advanced states on the spiritual path is more, not less.

Only when you arrive at the more advanced levels do you have the spiritual qualities of openness, willingness, and self-love required to investigate the deeper levels of your being.

Only then can you succeed in addressing the most stubborn and most hidden blocks to your enlightenment.

Some people in your circles may be at earlier stages in their spiritual development.
You may have friends who have fallen away. Some people simply don’t know how to communicate with the “new you” that is emerging from your spiritual growth process.
Do not worry about this. Do not try to fix other people’s perception of you, or try to force understanding of things that people are not ready to perceive.

No One is Left Behind

Do not worry about leaving people behind.
No one is truly left behind on the spiritual path – there simply are stages individual to each person.
There is no right or wrong timeline – each person awakens at his or her own pace.

Your role as a divine changemaker is to bravely stand at the forefront of the world’s massive changes.

You, by your very presence and how you live your life, will be a beacon to others on the path.
Some of your friends and loved ones will notice tangible benefits of being around your shining example.  Others will benefit indirectly, receiving vital seeds of transformation for future awakening.

Remember the larger picture with this overview of 2012-2015.

Since June 2012, you have been sitting in an unusual planetary cycle that catalyzes revolutionary change, and this cycle continues through March 2015.
It has wide scale implications – for you, for everyone you love, and for all of humanity.
In the end, no one will be untouched by this energy.
What needs to shift will come to light.

You are encoded this life to walk the path as a divine changemaker. In this role, you intuitively know that the revolutions happening now – individual and collective – are necessary to accomplish an authentic transformation.
There’s so much that needs to shift – it simply can’t happen overnight.

You don’t want to do it half way. You understand that the Earth is at a tipping point – and that you signed up to be here to shift the balance into light.

Your inner wisdom knows that there is a bigger picture to what’s unfolding now, and you trust that you are alive now to play a key role in reversing the old paradigm patterns.

Right now, with the amplified emotional undercurrents, you will need to find an ongoing way to center yourself and stabilize.

What’s Needed Now

To do this most effectively, you will need to be grounded, in your heart, and connected with your inner wisdom. Avail yourself of opportunities to be still, to meditate, and to gather with others focused on spiritual growth. Practice heart-centered communications as much as you can, with as many people as you can.

Spend time with other divine changemakers, giving and receiving a flow of inspiration, support, and cooperation. Use these experiences to help you open your heart and your mind in brand-new ways.

Remember that you are an integral part of the planet’s transformation. The world’s changes are not just “out there” – they are happening inside of you.

Each time you become more self-actualized and whole, you catalyze a wave of beneficial changes across the world.
Every time you learn to love yourself just a bit more than before – like when you let go of harsh self-criticism or self-doubt – your greater self-love becomes a beacon to those around you. People feel it and benefit from it, even if they can’t tangibly sense it.

Likewise, each time you experience personal healing and become free of limiting DNA-level patterns, you help to heal your family lineage and the world!


You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia


Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2013 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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