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Soulmates and Destiny


Relationships play a key role in your joy and success in 2015, and some soulmate connections can be pivotal influences on your longer term destiny. To understand this, be prepared to expand your view of what a soulmate is and how the two of you help each other over time.

What is a Soulmate?

A soulmate is someone you bond with on a soul level. It’s a person, or even a pet, that comes into your life for a special connection that greatly enriches your life and helps you grow. This is someone who helps you see yourself more clearly and more lovingly – this helps you to progress spiritually.

Potentials for 2015

This year, with its lighter energies and more potentials for moving forward, your soulmate connections could be a significant component of your success. After all, soulmates help catalyze full expression of your life purpose. They provide helpful support in obvious and not-so-obvious ways – like soothing you after a tough day and introducing you to someone who can open new doors of opportunity. A soulmate can remind you of your good qualities too.

Soulmates are not random. Since the connection is at a soul level, the two souls are involved in orchestrating the meeting and other happenstance. It’s common for this connection to occur over a number of lifetimes, resulting in a strong bond. That’s why when you first meet someone you can feel like you are old friends – there’s a comfort level that comes from long experience. What happens is that by knowing them in different circumstances over time, you bond and help one another grow. Your strong bonds over time magnetize you together again and again.

Types of Soulmates

From a quantum perspective, we indeed have more than one soulmate. There are different types of soulmates too. The type most people think of is a romantic partner soulmate. This type usually comes from a past bond created in another lifetime. Some lifetimes, you could be with them in a romantic partnership, and then other lifetimes you might be best friends, siblings, parent-child, or business colleagues.

Some romantic partner soulmates will be in a lifelong relationship. This isn’t always the case, though. From the perspective of the two souls, their having a larger view, your romantic partnership may not be destined to last an entire lifetime – for many reasons. Sometimes your paths move in different directions, each of you needing to experience something new. In this case, each of you later on could connect with another soulmate – coming into your life at the perfect time.

Special Bonds with Each Person

Being with one soulmate rather than another does not take away from the special bonds each partnership has. In spirit’s view, there is a unique purpose to each connection and it stands on its own.

In our conventional society – with linear black-and-white thinking – there’s a tendency to think we have only one soulmate and that we can be happy with only one person.

Pets Can be Soulmates

Also, people with a linear view tend to discount that even pets can be our soulmates. In reality, the soulmate bond is not just about human-to-human. When we get on the other side and have spirit’s view, we can see this clearly.

On the other side, too, we have a higher view of why some soulmate connections involve ongoing friction and upset. In fact, soulmate romantic partnerships sometimes are quite explosive and other times the initial sizzle fades before a commitment is made. This can be quite puzzling and frustrating, to say the least!

Indeed, the strong attraction between people is no guarantee of a smooth ride. People in love often have the incorrect assumption that being with a soulmate is like a fairy tale with a lifelong commitment and no disagreements or problems. Of course, this isn’t true.

Sometimes, as mentioned, the partnering was never meant to be really long term. Also, as long as either person has unresolved issues or life plans, they will tend to get played out with whoever is closest – in this case with the soulmate.

Gifts of Soulmates

From a cosmic perspective, you are an eternal being having a series of experiences in this physical reality. Sometimes you grow the most from conflict that catalyzes a deeper inner questioning. A soulmate you bonded with numerous lifetimes could feel safe enough so that you let down your guard. Perhaps one gift of knowing that person again this life is that he or she helps you to be more authentic and to take back power you have given away to others.

This gift may not be obvious, of course, until long after you have learned these things. By then, the two of you may no longer be a couple. The key here is to see and appreciate the gift of the relationship in the now. Then it’s much easier to let go of clinging to what was and move on.

Tip: be present and heart-centered with each person you meet. Think of each person as part of your human family. Over time you will discover soulmate bonds with a number of people. Do your best to learn from each one, listening to what your heart tells you about the connection and what it means in the current moment. Think of each soulmate bond as another opportunity to be loving – to yourself and others. Love is what matters.


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Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2015 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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