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The December Energies and How To Use Them
Category: Selacia Written by AndEl

Between this weekend's full moon and the amplification effect that builds each year at the holidays, most people are feeling a bit more on edge and overloaded. It's like there's a sense of hurry in the air, and to do lists you didn't even know you had appearing out of nowhere!
These effects are obvious, but there's something new about how you may be experiencing them this December.
What's New this December
First, this hasn't been an ordinary or easy year. There have been lighter moments sprinkled throughout, of course, but we're still in the midst of a very challenging cycle of revolutionary change. That long cycle has had some key peak moments in 2014 - like the Grand Cross planetary line-up last April. That alignment further stirred the already-churning momentum of society upheaval as well as an intense desire for big changes in all aspects of how life is lived. Regardless of what country you live in, these themes are an obvious part of the landscape.
Second, December is the month (on the 14th-15th to be exact) when we experience the sixth revolutionary planetary line-up in a series that started in the 1960s and ends March 16-17, 2015. The build-up to mid-December's alignment is already a palpable energy in the air - serving as another planetary wake-up call and catalyzing a diverse set of pro-democracy and honoring-all-life movements.
To be sure, energies of times like this tend to reverberate for a very long time after peak points. What was initiated in the 1960s, for example, continued to unfold for at least a decade. In fact, each decade since the 1960s has experienced an amplified level of societal changes. The 1980s, as an example, is known as a time of cultural waking up, often described as the dawn of a new age.
Your Personal Experience
Each person's experience of these times will be unique. However, each of us consciously on the path of awakening is purposefully here now to play a pivotal role in the Earth's makeover. I often refer to us as divine changemakers, for indeed we are alive now to be at the forefront of this makeover and creating a more loving world.
What's happening is a collective effort, yet each of us has a unique part to play. I believe our destiny as divine changemakers is in fact encoded in our very DNA. Because of this, while sometimes we may want to hide under the covers during turmoil and massive changes, we really can't disappear and forget what we were born to be and do. It's that ingrained in us!
Don't let this responsibility overwhelm you this month. And refuse to let calendar dates and other markers terrorize you. There really is nothing to fear. You were born this time equipped for what you came to do. Sometimes that has meant being guided to teachers and practices that will help you get and stay stable and heart centered - so you can serve in the highest ways. Other times, your being equipped has meant you discovered talents at an early age that you developed into practical and helpful skills - to assist yourself and others.
To create a lighter and more harmonious personal experience with the revolutionary energies of December, consider the following.
Tips for More Harmony
First, remember the big picture about change. It's not a dirty word or an energy you can stop. Your very nature is change, and you have been changing endlessly throughout eternal time. Welcome this natural energy - don't fight it. Resisting the waves of change or trying to ignore them will only make you feel more insecure and less able to skillfully ride the ups-and-downs.
Second, keep in mind that everything has a frequency. This includes emotions and thoughts. Keep yours in the higher octaves by doing what you can to stay positive. The higher your frequency when the big wave of change comes in, the better you can cope. With a high-enough frequency, even the most challenging cycles can become manageable.
Third, be aware of high-energy dates. Next ones include this weekend during the full moon. Set your intention now to connect with the shifts you need to make and the catalysts needed to make them. Then be sure to take time out on the weekend to refuel, connect with spirit's view of your life, and receive new insights about what's blocking your forward movement. Ask for dreams to help you process things, and ask spirit to help you connect with helpful content from your dream time.
Trust that you are resourced beyond measure, and that you exist in a friendly universe teeming with visible and invisible helpers who want you to succeed.
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