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Turn Anger into Positive Social Change

Turn Anger into Positive Social Change

- How to Productively Respond to Craziness -

If you are like most of us, you feel a combination of anger and discouragement about the state of our world in 2020. Indeed, things have gotten crazier, more explosive, more petty, and more unsettling. What's unfolding now is a magnified version of what we experienced in the last part of 2019. Division, polarity, and hateful exchanges seem like they are at an all-time high. For us sensitives, this can feel brutal. Continue reading to know how to productively respond to this craziness.

A Metaphor for Where We Are

Here's a metaphor to illustrate where we are as a human society.

Imagine tigers and all other animals - including deer and wild pigs - locked up together in a zoo that has no barrier walls between types of animals. Each type of animal instinctively does one of two things: find a safe hiding place or attack edible prey.

We humans have both an instinctive fear-based nature and a divine loving nature. The loving one, as a reminder, is our true nature.

All of us live together on a self-contained planet that is our only home. We are interconnected 24/7 with one another. Yes, there are some artificial borders, but borders do not create peace. Our warrior-like instinctive nature for millennia has facilitated endless wars and a sense of artificial division between "us and them".

There is no "them." We are "us"  - one human family.

To change this dynamic is an inside job, within each one of us at a heart level. Our hearts can remind us daily of both our predicament and timely solutions for addressing things on a quantum level with love.

The first step right now is to acknowledge what I've described here. Don't take it personally. We're all in this together. There are no enemies. There is no reason for revenge.

Next I'll outline some simple practical things to know and do in response to craziness.

How to Productively Respond to Craziness


Know that it's okay to feel outrage when you witness our world falling apart and leaders devolving into fear-based antics. However, remember that what's unfolding now is part of a divine plan to shift our dysfunctional world into one based on love. Come back to this reminder daily for greater inner peace. And remember that you as a divine changemaker play an integral role by how you live your life and respond to the outer world. Learn more about your upgraded role for 2020 and much more in my new Predictions 2020 ebook - out soon!


I suggest that we need even more meditation, inner work, time-outs, and a sense of play to navigate this difficult juncture. We must remind ourselves that we are here for the long haul. It's really not about 2020 or the next decade, though this time is pivotal. What we want to factor in is the long journey of our soul over time to prepare us for this apex moment. We came resourced beyond what you can imagine! And we have lots to contribute. To play our role effectively we must regularly get resourced on an inner level and remind ourselves why we're here now.


Don't make this about individuals - whether it's national leaders, would-be leaders seeking to be in charge, or greedy billionaires with no concern for everyday people or the planet. The real things to focus on are ISSUES. These involve themes like human rights and the health and well-being of all citizens. I go into these more in my forthcoming book, giving you a grounded spiritual view of the underlying issues we've had with us for countless generations. Unless and until we find ways to come together, we cannot begin to resolve these longstanding issues preventing a loving world. 


Avoid being like the caged animals in a zoo, allowing their instinctive fear to unleash a tribal fight or flight response. We are seeing this response now in multiple ways: disengaging from public discourse, losing interest in what happens next, and allowing weariness of craziness to block productive action. We are better than this. Do your best to remain engaged, stay informed, and fully participate in our society. Your voice, consciousness, and actions matter. If there's an election in your country, be sure to vote. Do this even if you dislike all the candidates. Do this even if your ego-mind convinces you that your vote doesn't matter. It does matter.


Remember the bigger picture of what's happening now.When you notice things are toxic in our outer world, do your best to connect with compassion for all beings including yourself. All of us are here purposely now - and there's a higher reason for the craziness. As humanity awakens more in the 2020s, the truth of many things will come to light. During this process, do your best to avoid judgment and seek a higher view of what happenstance actually means. Trust that within your own heart are the answers you seek.

Image tagged by crystalwind.ca
Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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