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World Watches America

World Watches America

- US Democracy Saved for Now -

The world is closely watching America after Joe Biden's projected win as president-elect was announced last Saturday. While the win saved US democracy for now, there remain significant threats to its longevity - American society extremely polarized and divided, with millions of people opposing the Biden win and what it stands for. Adding to the uncertainty and tensions, the current president refuses to concede defeat as is typical American protocol - using threats and fear-mongering divisive tactics designed to increase polarization and chaos. Continue reading for a big-picture view of what this means for you and the world-at-large, and what you can do in support of the healing and unification needed now.


America's Constitution adopted in 1789 established the world's first formal blueprint of a modern democracy. Hallmarks of this democracy included a peaceful transition of power after elections, representation, a separation of powers, checks and balances, and the protection of individual rights.

Historically, democracies are fragile and under threat from power-hungry despots. In the past 4 years, America's democracy has been compromised when the rule of law, citizen rights to vote, constitutional checks and balances, and media access to information were thwarted.

US Shadow Being Unveiled

America is having its Pluto return this year, unveiling the country's shadow and what needs healing. This will be a lengthy process, the energy cycle not exact until February 22, 2022 and having ripples long after that. This helps give context for America's current troubles, and the country's ability to stabilize - even under new leadership.

Very old wounds are surfacing within the US - getting the world's attention now so that they can be investigated, seen fully, and healed. To fully heal anything - whether it's a person's deeply-rooted issue or a country's dysfunction and old wounds like racism - the light must shine brightly for a prolonged period of time. What we cannot see, we cannot heal.

The positive of this dynamic in these moments is that we are beginning to see deeply-embedded dysfunctions in our society. It's America, but other countries have them too. Most are not pretty to look at. Our conditioned tendency is to look away. We must override this tendency within ourselves if we are to heal and create a world that works for everyone.

America's Spiritual Mandate

The shadow-unveiling dynamic is what is underway in America now. Patience and compassion are essential. Deep objective listening must take place to catalyze unity of diverse views. Not easy, by any means, yet it's part of America's spiritual mandate for the 2020s.

The World Watches - Global Impacts

We now live in a globally interconnected world. This is a fact. Some leaders are promoting nationalism or isolationism, retreating from global treaties designed to secure world peace and resolve the existential threat of climate change. These isolationist notions will not address challenges individual countries have.

We as a global society have gone beyond the stage where individual nations ignoring neighbor countries insulates them from problems. One country's dilemmas become the concern of us all.

When a world power like the US is having a societal meltdown, the entire world is impacted in numerous ways. Many of these are practical - financial, trade, global partnerships, flow of information, education, space exploration, restrictions on immigration and travel. Some impacts are energetic and psychological - stress due to instability and uncertainty, emotional distress due to feeling the loss of a trusted country partner operating as a leader on the world stage. These things can keep people up at night and add to tensions many leaders have about keeping the world safe.

Here's what I wrote on social media last Saturday when the Biden win was announced:

"In a historic moment, the majority of Americans have voted for a new leader representing caring, decency, inclusion and multilateralism - and rejecting hate, divisiveness, narcissism and authoritarianism. The country remains deeply divided, and will require extensive healing, restructuring and patient persistence to find a stable and soulful path forward. Let's energize this bold endeavor for the good of all around the world."

5 Things You Can Do Now


Regardless of where you stand on issues Americans voted on, energize a healing of the US division and the possibility of America finding a stable and soulful path forward.


Factor in your personal impacts like those described above - increasing your self-care and connecting with something positive daily. As part of that, avoid ingesting the news or thinking about the news in the 30 minutes before sleep.


Turn off your phone during sleep so you can get fully rested. In tandem with that, give your phone "time off" weekly - either a full day or several hours at a time - so you can disconnect from the "noise" of our chaotic world. If that makes you feel nervous, set your intention that whatever is Very Important you will see.


Connect with friends and colleagues who uplift you and help you connect with a natural inspiration for being alive. Intend that these connections help you remember the bigger spiritual purpose for your life and what you were born to help create with others for a more loving world.


Educate yourself in an ongoing way by exposing yourself to news and opinions different than yours. As part of that expand your news beyond social media; read news from several sources, including international media. Doing these things helps you in 2 ways: be better informed and be a better listener when interacting with individuals and groups believing much differently than you. These things together, when you apply them, can help you to be a powerful bridge to unity and peace. Expand upon this benefit by suggesting to friends that they do this, too.

I invite you to have faith in a vision larger than yourself - one that supports the path of your soul and the good of all beings.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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