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Dreams Shattered: Unveiling the Secrets to Achieve the Impossible!

Dreams Shattered: Unveiling the Secrets to Achieve the Impossible!

We never know what we might accomplish unless we try.

We never know the untold good which comes with our every effort, whether we see it or not and whether it comes when we think it should or not. Every single thing we attempt generates a positive energy which in time brings us exactly what is right for our growth. I stand on the threshold of one of the greatest accomplishments of my life, it’s here and now, and you’re sharing it with me. Hint: what you’re reading is #9998.

When we begin something, we should feel some enthusiasm about what we intend to do, since we want to have fun doing whatever it is we are called to do. Sometimes we have to begin with an eye to how far we will go before we have to re-evaluate whether we’re supposed to be doing something or not. Whether a job, a relationship, renting a pad, or even deciding to explore a line of learning, beginning is everything, but so is the need to make sure we’re on the right track, and if not, have a plan for either shifting focus or gracefully backing out of the groove we don’t want to continue.

I’ve found that if I begin something that seems like it could be fun and/or productive, two things happen. When I’m doing something productive which aligns with my purpose, the universe supports that decision by opening doors, connections, and gives a momentum to the flow which moves the action forward. We never know what help and opportunities will arise until we actually attempt to accomplish something we haven’t done before.

And paradoxically, the other thing which always happens is that when my momentum is cranked up and I’m in the productive flow, then inevitably challenges arise and I encounter obstacles and resistances to my efforts. They may be inner doubts or confusion, or outer obstructions which slow me down.

The first encourages me, and the second makes me evaluate whether I’m committed to overcoming the initial obstacle or if I just need to redirect my efforts to something more satisfying and less challenging. So the first gives me signals that I’m on the right track, and the second forces me to sharpen my focus and maybe even cultivate a new set of skills or a new understanding of other factors in what I’m trying to do.

Being challenged in my various efforts has forced me to learn when I need to hang tough and when I need to get out the door without a lot of discussion. While it’s natural to want to continue something where we’ve invested time, energy, and maybe money, there’s no sin in realizing something or someone is not right for us and turning to a better way, whether for the moment or the long run.

Often when we begin a long term project we have no idea how it will turn out, what challenges we’ll encounter, or even how long we’ll be committed to that effort. That’s why regardless of what we’re doing or why we think we’re doing it, we all learn to choose in each moment what we believe is right for us. Through our successes and errors, we learn about ourselves, and whether we really want something or not, and what we’re willing to do to make it happen, if it can happen at all.

I began the Aquarius Papers 20 years ago. After a few years of writing astrological and spiritual posts in a group blog, I saw the need for a unique site, a public astrology forum where I could post articles for students of the craft, interact with other astrologers, answer questions, and promote astrology in the public sphere. I also wanted a space where I could write about metaphysical and spiritual topics, including important days of the year which memorialize spiritual people and points in time of radical social decision and shift.

There were no such sites when I began. The internet social media world didn’t exist then. There were only commercial astrology websites with no interactivity and very little astrology being given away. As I’ve been teaching astrology since 1974, I knew a free site with a lot of information might be helpful to students of the craft searching for answers.

I figured if I could try to post an article a day, it would help keep things fresh and while I didn’t know if I could actually achieve that goal, I just began to write. Brief pieces. Long pieces. Articles on topics which helped me become spiritual aware. Articles on important moments in our society and world. And always astrology. Countless vectors of exploration, countless pieces of valuable information for students past, present and future, and each picked up by search engines for the students of astrology.

Over the years, without much effort, I kept writing, and now have created an on-line free astrological library with literally thousands of articles containing millions of gems of specific astrological analysis these past 20 years. And yet even now I know there are thousands more topics to explore, thousands of more articles which could be written, and thousands more astrologers to meet, hang with, and discuss the countless areas to explore in the craft.

I never set out to write thousands of articles. I never imagined I’d get millions of page views. I never imagined that I’d have visitors from over 130 countries. I never imagined the effort would lead to a community of dear friends around the world who have been supportive of my work. In the first 10 years we had many rousing discussions in the comment streams covering topics in phenomenal breadth and depth, which is when I realized there are thousands of truth seeking Souls looking for community around the world and we are all more connected than we think.

Truly, this journey of the past 20 years began with a single article. And then another. And then another. When we begin something, we can never know the larger potential of our efforts. Because to create something valuable, lasting, and venerable, we do it one step at a time. One day at a time. One effort at a time. For as long as our hearts call us to that joyous work.

The wonderful thing is that when we put our whole heart into an effort, it quickly feeds us and creates a momentum which carries us forward. The way opens, the work is effortless, and the creation is its own reward.

That’s how I’ve been able to write thousands of articles without any strain, or confusion, or writer’s block. Each day brings a new set of possibilities, and we each get to choose the feast we will have that day. The work feeds us, as well as the finished product.

So as I approach the 20th anniversary of creating this unique Starship which “boldly went where no one had gone before,” I thought I’d share a realization that this awesome journey began with a single step and a willingness to follow through, one day at a time, as long as it was the right thing to do. After 20 years, I’d say it’s been a joyous work. There’s certainly a lot to read!

Blessings from Professor Robert. Thanks for showing up for class!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.


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