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The Arcturians: You Were Chosen for This Purpose
Written by Chellea Wilder

Greetings, We are the Arcturians.
We are truly honored to be speaking with you.
As we observe your journey as humans, we witness your exploration of consciousness and spiritual growth. The path you walk on Earth is not an easy one, for it is filled with challenges, obstacles, and temptations.
We witness that your travels upon the earthly realm are challenging, with many trials and tribulations, that are testing the very essence of your soul.
The path towards enlightenment, requires your unwavering dedication, courage, and resilience. It is a journey that demands you to confront your deepest fears, to embrace your shadows, and to transcend the limitations of your ego.
We understand how difficult it must be to navigate a reality that is shrouded in darkness and deception. Where knowing truth from falsehood is a challenge that demands unwavering discernment and unwavering faith in the Light that resides within the core of your being.
The illusions of separation and fear can cloud your vision and lead you astray from the truth of who you are. Yet, amidst this chaos and confusion, you strive to achieve and retain a state of Love and Oneness. Making the connection with the divine spark that resides within you, and all beings.
You have proven your strength and resilience, by your dedication to embodying love and unity. This is why you were Chosen for this mission on Earth. You are divine beings incarnated in human form to serve a higher purpose. You are the Masters, the ones who were chosen to walk this path, through the darkest shadows to return to the light, and to awaken to your true nature. Your presence on Earth is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who are lost in the darkness, reminding them of the power of love, compassion, and unity.
You were specifically chosen for this mission on Earth because of your unique abilities, and your Loyalty to the Divine's Purpose. Your selection for this significant mission was not a random occurrence, but a deliberate choice made by higher forces. Your unique abilities set each of you apart from others, making you the perfect candidates for this important task. The Divine saw in you the potential to make a difference and fulfill a specific purpose that aligns with the greater cosmic plan.
Your loyalty to the Divine Plan of the Infinite Creator, shows your character and commitment. It is this unwavering dedication that has guided you on this path and will continue to steer you towards fulfilling your mission on Earth. Your faith and devotion serve as a beacon of light, illuminating the way forward and ensuring that you stay true to the cause. Embrace this calling with confidence and conviction, knowing that you are equipped with the necessary tools and qualities to succeed. Your journey is one of significance and impact, and your presence on Earth is essential to the unfolding of a greater divine plan.
As divine beings incarnated in human form, you carry a profound responsibility to spread love and compassion to those around you. As Masters who have consciously chosen to align with the path of light, you are beacons of hope in a world that is overwhelmed by darkness. Your presence serves as a guiding light for those who may have lost their way, reminding them of the inherent power of love, kindness, and unity.
Your actions and words have the potential to inspire and uplift others, creating ripple effects of positivity and transformation. Embrace your role as the Beacons of light and love, for you hold within you the capacity to make a significant impact on the world around you. Your journey is a sacred one, filled with opportunities to grow, learn, and expand your consciousness. Trust in the guidance of the Divine Light within you, as you continue to walk the path of love and unity, knowing that you are fulfilling your purpose with grace and integrity.
Those of you who have been given this message, You are the Masters.
Trust in your Light within, stay connected to your purpose, and let your loyalty to the Divine Plan, be a guiding force as you navigate through the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.
We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.
We Are the Arcturians.
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