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Ancient Vortexes Opening Across Earth - Pleiadian Council Reveals All
Written by Chellea Wilder

Blessings, We are The Pleiadian Council of Light.
We are very joyous to commune with you. As we speak In these very precious moments, The earth is undergoing a High Frequency Shift within her core.
This ongoing electrical shift within Earth's magnetic core, is creating a fascinating phenomenon that is currently unfolding.
This shift in your Earth Core, is intricately connected to the emergence, and opening of Ancient Energy Vortexes.
These vortexes are not just ordinary energy points but are higher dimensional gateways that span across the entire planet. They are connecting various energy points on the Planet, in a cosmic web of Light flow. These ancient multidimensional structures are within the ethereal existence of Earth. They have been lying dormant, hidden from plain sight, until this crucial juncture where they are being awakened and activated by the potent influx of higher frequencies.
These frequencies, which are the catalysts for Earth's Transformation into Higher Light, originate from the Photon Belt that encircles our celestial Alcyone Star. The Photon Belt is the cosmic Rays of Light permeating from The Alcyone Star, that bathes your planet in high vibrational energy. Which is what is triggering these series of energetic shifts and transformations on your Earth.
As these Ancient Energy Vortexes awaken, they bring with them a surge of ancient wisdom, intense healing energies, and transformation on a Global scale. They will serve as conduits for the higher Frequencies to flow into the Earth plane, facilitating the Transformation into the higher dimension.
These Ancient Energy Vortexes and higher dimensional gateways that have been hidden safe within the Ethereal of your planet, have long been protected and guarded from the powers that wished to cause harm. These mystical structures, which have existed beyond the physical realms of Earth throughout the annals of time, are now stirring from their slumber.
It is truly a remarkable time to witness and be a part of this profound cosmic dance between Earth, Our Star Alcyone, and the ancient energy vortexes that are now coming alive. The interplay of energies and frequencies is reshaping the spiritual landscape of your planet, ushering in a new era of enlightenment and awakening for all beings on Earth.
This cosmic event is a resurgence of pure Higher light frequency on Earth. Which is a transformational process, designed to amplify and elevate the conscious connections of individuals to their divine Truth.
As these energetic gateways open, and the vibrational frequencies intensify, humanity is presented with an opportunity, to transcend the lower dimensional limitations and expand your awareness. Giving you the opportunity to step into the Higher realms of existence with much more ease.
As the energy vortexes open all over Earth, you can connect to them, allowing them to transform you and unlock your Ancient Gnosis.
As these ancient multidimensional gateways open and the vibrational frequencies continue to intensify, humanity is being presented with an opportunity to transcend the limitations of the lower dimensions and ascend to the higher realms of existence at a much quicker pace.
It is crucial to recognize that you are at a pivotal moment in the evolution of consciousness. The energies at play are urging individuals to make a choice. To either expand in light and embrace the infinite potentiality that resides within their being, or to retreat into darkness and miss out on the opportunity for spiritual growth and enlightenment. This is an Individual choice.
These energies are guiding you towards a path of inner-discovery, encouraging you to delve deep into the depths of your souls and awaken to the truth that lies within.
Therefore, it is imperative for each individual to heed the call of these transformative Divine energies, to open your hearts and minds to the vast possibilities that await you, and to embark on the journey of your spiritual evolution.
These Vortexes, even though they are ancient, were created on Earth, just for this moment in your Time space. This is the Earth Opening her Heart to you, her Children. She is calling you Home, and to awaken to Your Divine Truth. The Ascension is happening Now, Will you Hear the Call?
We Love you and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
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