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Aya - Celebrate Life Now!
Written by Judith and Kabamur
Beloved ones of my heart!
You are beautiful. You are enough! You are so loved! As you receive these words, believe them.
Many feel that they are not enough and certainly not loved. I am here to tell you that it is entirely possible to live in peace within your being. Life is to be celebrated each day of every waking dream. Obstacles of many kinds will visit and interrupt. But these are moments to transcend all aspects to a spiritual perspective.
In the Pleiades, we celebrate life in all moments. There is the complete understanding that everything has a purpose. We see the larger picture and glean great wisdom. As we enter waking dreams to expand in consciousness, we understand the dilemma of the earth school. With the innate power of the infinite soul, we rise above the mundane experiences and see everything as a gift. You are able to become your true self as wars rage and lies are told. You are the light of earth and you are anchoring the frequency that will amplify as you shift to sheen.
Celebrate life with a grateful heart as this will serve you throughout the remainder of this waking dream. The more you find to be grateful for, the more will appear in your awareness to enjoy. If you are receiving this now, you have a mind that is perceiving, a body that is strong enough to still be present and a desire to become better each day. This is what we do! This is how we amplify light!
Feel love permeate your cells. Breathe in light as the life force that fuels your being. Become aware of the great host of angelic beings, families from origin and other high vibrational souls that watch over you! If you believe you are alone with no friends or family on earth, think again. You are so loved and the souls with you now will join you in the grand shift! You will laugh and sing as you note the souls that have played roles for you! Some will see a beloved daughter in origin as she played the role of a sister on earth.
Dance each day even if alone. If you can’t move from a disability, dance in your mind. Visualization with joy has the same effect on physiology as if it were done. Imagine Aktau as he will certainly dance with all of you! Let music take you to the higher octaves of being as the frequency of music is most familiar to your soul.
Celebrating life can stop depression and prevent addictions of many types. Anchor your mind with words as “I am grateful, I am enough, I am healthy, I have wisdom, I love others, I am loved.” The words and thoughts are endless and you have the power and free will to choose a beautiful life!
Celebrating life with your pets is also a way of serving the light. In the higher realms all animals are sacred and treated with such love. You have the gift now of connecting with a higher frequency as you find joy within when taking care of your beloved pet. Celebrate nature and feed birds and small animals. Rescue those that have no one. Find great peace as they understand they have you!
Through many incarnations, I have learned to live as you. I chose difficult waking dreams to explore with understanding the depth of what is possible. I will tell you now that joy and peace are there as gifts regardless of what is happening around you. I feel so much love for you and for the magnificent earth which is so lovingly holding life now.
Awakening brings joy and peace. This is how you know the progression of the journey of self and others. Without judgement, observe and you will see a smile of knowing the beauty of soul alignment or the chaos of feeling lost without the joy of celebrating life.
I celebrate you! I hold you in my heart!
I Love You So!
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