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Laka - Pleiadian Travel

Laka - Pleiadian Travel

Beloved friends of light and change!

You move and live with transportation on the ground and in the air.

Your endeavors to explore space have been humble with efforts to travel much further. Your future is full of promise with excitement to enter densities unknown in these moments. But your soul knows travel well and with the grand shift, these abilities with light will bring great travel and exploration with familiar crafts. In this communication we will discuss Pleiadian crafts and other methods of traveling.

In the Pleiades, we enjoy vehicular crafts as the method of traveling locally. These crafts are created by individual choice with colors, features within and size. Music plays as lights and colors are amplified and dimmed with telepathy. Bright yellow or blue can become lighter in color with thoughts directed. This allows enjoyment as friends visit to share their days. Vehicular crafts are also raced and friends gather from many stars to create wonderful times of fun with competitions.

Family crafts are created with easy access from homes. They are enjoyed for exploration and traveling to other stars. These crafts are equipped for long term travel as they are designed to have many of the accommodations of home. There are pools, crystal kitchens, game rooms and large rest areas. Many pets enjoy traveling with families that love them.

Motherships are primarily used by the galactic federation but many of these magnificent crafts have been used throughout waking dreams by pleiadians that chose to assist in the development of countries that excelled with art, architecture and features never seen on earth before. Many crystals, flowers and plants were brought to bring beauty and assistance by groups of pleiadians in large motherships.

Missions within the perimeter of the galactic federation are endless and varied. These excursions can be with the intent to upgrade souls to light, to destroy dark forces or to prevent disasters and war. The sizes are varied and motherships are created to accommodate large fleets of crafts.

Within the sides or bottom of each mothership, there are doors that open with ease. Large crafts glide out in precision with missions directed by those within the mothership. Crafts from the fleet can be occupied or empty. Each craft has the capability and technology to operate with power that connects the craft as an extension of the mothership. With a signal, the entire fleet will return to its place within the powerful mothership.

The colors, shapes and capabilities are also endless and more variety is added by those that enjoy upgrading and adding more features to existing crafts. Pleiadians enjoy creating with crystals and using shapes of sacred geometry with homes, crop circles, art and crafts. Crafts with a hexagon, octagon, oval and cylinder shapes are common. While triangular shapes are seen more commonly with Arcturians, pleiadians use this beautiful shape as well. There are crafts that are completely made of crystals and levels of opulent decor open to towers of light and sound.

Lights are utilized for obvious reasons but also as a distinct expression from those within the craft. Lights are changed in colors, pattern frequency of flashing, as well as an artistic expression. Images of flowers, animals and even loved ones are created in a pinpoint arrangement to depict a replica of exquisite art in honor of those loved. An ambiance can be created in one moment in pool areas that dim lights and change water colors. Music plays softly as pleiadians swim within crystal areas of beauty. Rest areas are also expressed in this manner with the choice being unlimited by everyone. Crystal kitchens are operated by telepathy and elaborate meals are created by thought alone.

All crafts have accommodations for large animals as they play gently with love. Fairies often accompany those with children and animals and entertain them with games and toys. Fairies also have assisted with the most magnificent motherships as speed and technology was introduced from fairies that understood the possibility of great endeavors from the frequency of magic.

Pleiadian crafts are equipped with large screens to access families at home. These screens also allow communication with other stars and meetings can be planned. There is respect for pleiadians for their power and compassion to other beings on distant stars. Pleiadian crafts are seen throughout the vast cosmos as they change frequency and flash lights of recognition and greetings to friends.

Pleiadians also travel in spirals of light in body form. We enter portals and change densities to walk among souls throughout the earth. Movement of spirit and energy surrounds you now in frequencies unseen.

You are never alone as pleiadians traverse the skies with other Elohim races. See the vast array of colors, lights and power before you. Know in truth that each moment a craft is seen, there are many souls that have intended this. For the soon coming shift will bring unity and peace to souls that simply forgot who they really are! You are the light, beloved ones! Rise high in unity!

I Love You So!

Laka From The Pleiades


Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.


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