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Mira of the Pleiadian High Council on Poverty and Weather Instability

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: Preparing for Truth


I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.

Today I am going to explain on why so many humans live in poverty on your planet and on why your weather has been this year and lately very unstable.

Right now, humanity lives in a low vibrational reality of 3D. It’s has for a very long time, since your society got divided into rich and poor people. Here in your world nobody really treasures life, as much as we care about it in higher dimensions. The system was created purposely in that way, so only a small group benefits from wealth, who mostly serve Darkness, that is supposed to be evenly divided to the inhabitants of Mother Gaia. Some of you work for many hours to be paid bare minimum. The Dark Controllers keep all of you under a full control and use your abilities for their own benefit.

Some humans are not even capable to have jobs. They grow up in poor families and didn’t learn on how to survive in the Matrix. Some of them choose a road of crime by stealing, hacking information’s, killing and etc. Others got addicted to drugs, alcohol and etc. They are just moving through their lives without knowing, on who they really are. The Dark Ones keep taking your wealth away from you daily and keep making up stories about economic problems, shortage of jobs, housing issues and giving any excuse for you to have less money, everything they say are just lies nothing else.

By the Universal Laws, any Life Being must receive shelter, food, care and clothing free. No one charges in the Cosmos for anything, you are the only planet at this moment, in all of the Universes from billions of civilizations that uses a money system. Humankind can change their faith without anyone’s interference, if everyone just does their spiritual work by doing daily silent meditations and raising the Human Collective Consciousness.

Why do you have such strange, chaotic and negative weather around the world now? There are a few reasons for it. At the beginning of this year the Galactic Light Forces destroyed all of the weather manipulating technology of the Negative Ones, but they have been using these weapons for a long time. They have thrown off the balance of the climate on Earth, and the effects of it still remain in the atmosphere of the planet. The other reason is now the weather reflects the Collective Consciousness of the population in each country, low vibrations create negative climate, high vibrations create pleasant weather.

The last reason is the high and low energies are clashing with each other. This is on why you had unusual weather this year, like snow in the Saudi Arabia with camels walking in the desert, in a winter storm, snow appearing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and just this past month with snow falling in South Africa with giraffes standing in the snow, and lions walking and sitting in the snow. You are not supposed to have winter, fall or even spring on this planet. The weather should be the same in every country around the globe, all year round summer with pleasant and warm weather, but not hot.

That’s including enough rain for plant and animal life with no flooding, with the same temperatures in every part of Gaia, like it was originally. Divine not too long ago surrounded Mother Earth completely with powerful high frequencies to make it possible for the awaken and ready souls to finish their journey on Gaia. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Stay Calm and Be In the Now


Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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