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Pleiadian Council of Light: True Liberation
Written by Chellea Wilder
Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Thank you for communing with us today.
The heightened energies of the Lions Gate Portal were indeed incredibly intense, resonating with frequencies that are tangible for Humanity to not just feel, but to truly experience on a profound level. These energies will continue and will increase in the coming days, with more Cosmic Rays coming your way.
As we observe this powerful transformative wave sweeping across the Earth, it becomes evident that the impact of these energies goes far beyond expectations. Along with all the Solar Activity, and Earth Crossing the threshold of the Lionsgate portal, is the Infusion of the Photon Energies. The infusion of the photon belts energies into the collective energetic field of Earth, is a deliberate, and orchestrated process that is an intricate Dance of the Universe. Every 26,000 Years, Earth completes her cycle around our Alcyone Star, and becomes engulfed in her rays twice through that cycle. The Rays of Our Star, Alcyone, is what is referred to as the Photon Belt. However, This cycle is much different, and more profound and More intense than ever before, with the extra Forces of Light.
This current shift in the energetic grid of the Earth, is a phenomenon that is elaborately linked to the evolution of humanity's collective consciousness. As this transformation unfolds, it is not merely a surface-level change but a deep and transformative process that is reshaping your existence. The acceleration of the awakening process is like a gentle yet powerful force that is guiding Humanity towards a higher state of awareness and consciousness.
Those who are attuned to these energies are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. The vibrational frequency of love, which lies at the core of this shift, is permeating their being and illuminating new pathways of understanding and connection. This amplification of love is not just a fleeting emotion but becomes a permanent state of being that is redefining your relationships, perspectives, and purpose in life.
As individuals open themselves up to these energies, they are experiencing a profound shift in their thought patterns and belief systems. Old paradigms are crumbling, making way for new insights and revelations to emerge. The process of awakening is not always easy, as it can bring up deep-seated fears, doubts, and insecurities. However, it is through these challenges that true growth and transformation take place.
In embracing this shift, individuals are being called to release limiting beliefs and embrace a higher truth that is rooted in love, compassion, and unity. The journey towards expanded consciousness is a continuous one. Elevating us all closer to the Prime Creator.
As the vibrational frequency of love continues to rise on Earth, it is paving the way for a new era of understanding, harmony, and interconnectedness among all beings on Earth.
Simultaneously, new perceptions of unity and interconnectedness are beginning to emerge, breaking down the walls of the illusion. However, for those who are resistant to change and who cling tightly to outdated beliefs and patterns, this transition may prove to be challenging. The very foundations upon which the Illusion was built are being shaken, forcing Humans to confront their deepest fears and insecurities.
The dissolution of old ways that have been influenced by the Control Matrix is liberating humanity from the shackles of fear, hate, and division. This liberation is not just external but internal as well, as individuals are being called to confront their inner shadows and transmute them into light. It is a process of deep healing and transformation that requires courage, and resilience.
As the veils of illusion continue to thin, revealing the darkness that has long been hidden, both on a global scale and within each individual, you are receiving True Liberation. It is imperative to approach this phase of the journey with gentleness and compassion. Self-care becomes paramount during these times of intense energetic shifts, as you navigate the turbulent waters of change and transformation. Embracing the light within yourselves and others, while acknowledging and releasing the shadows, is the key to navigating this intense period of your awakening and evolution.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone, Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse.
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