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Pleiadian Emissary KaRa: Exposes Truth About Dark Forces and Earth’s Ascension

Pleiadian Emissary KaRa: Exposes Truth About Dark Forces and Earth’s Ascension


I am KaRa, and I am pleased to be back today and continue the Galactic Disclosure of truth about your reality.

I serve as the Pleiadian Emissary, and I am in charge of the Earth High Council. I am also part of the Ashtar Command involved with the Ascension Process on your planet.

As you see today in your daily news around your world, most of the information is about bad weather, military conflicts, earthquakes and etc. Nobody talks about on why some humans are paid millions for their work or why companies are making billions. What is so special about them? In actuality they are people like you, on who had been sponsored by Dark Entities. They were invited to join their group and became one of them by participating in their Satanic Rituals, where they drink blood. After that, they receive endless support in money and etc., because they follow the Darkness and participate in their evil’s deeds.

Anyone who is honest and genuine is not rewarded in your 3D reality, they are Light and a threat to their system, which the Controllers created a very long time ago. Negative Entities live a luxurious lifestyle by buying huge mansions, expensive cars and etc. Average income humans want to be just like them, they don’t see past the rich lifestyle, the price that needs to be paid to get it. These entities are pure evil and they drink sacrificed baby’s blood. Do you really want to be like them? The Dark Ones are not interested in becoming the Light or moving to higher dimensions. They actually would like to create slave colonies on other planets and use the same monetary system they are controlling humankind with now.

Just imagine you would need to pay there for everything plus for oxygen. Not everyone will be able to move to these colonies, because of the cost. The rest of humanity will stay living on the polluted Earth. This is a future of the human civilization, unless you stop your Controllers and ascend yourselves into the 5th dimension, before it’s too late. We, Light Brings, are just trying to explain and help you to understand, on what is really happening in the 3D Matrix. By knowing the truth, you can create a different future. We said before that it’s up to you, on what the future is going to be on your planet.

Some humans including in the Light Community think that the moon is some kind of a spaceship, that’s not true for different reasons. If it was a spacecraft, it would not be a very good one, as it never moves, just rotates. Also, starships do not appear every day at night in the sky in a similar location by rising from the bottom to the top of the sky, like the moon does. If the moon was a big spaceship, it would have been destroyed by now, either by the Dark or Light Forces, depending to which side it would belong to, because it stays in the same area, and it doesn’t use cloaking technology to hide its location. It’s just a moon nothing more.

There are no Dark bases or human slaves on it either, the Galactic Light Forces destroyed the facilities and removed the human beings. The moon is empty, no one is there. It has been damaged from battles between the Galactic Light Forces and Reptilians.

Recently, a strong eruption took place at Bledug Kesongo mud volcano in Gabusan village area, Indonesia’s Central Java ejecting mud up 65 feet into the air. Another base controlled by the Darkness was eliminated by Ashtar Command directly from his spaceship. This base had a lab, where the Dark Entities were trying to create new viruses, made tests on human flesh and other experiments. Ashtar was observing this underground base for a while and was waiting for a right moment to make sure there were no children or human beings at that base.

The eruption of a mud volcano was a perfect cover up for the Galactic Light Forces destruction of another lab base created by the Negative Ones. Please, focus on how to help everyone raise their vibrations to move forward with the Ascension Process. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Supreme Love.

You are the Light


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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