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Pleiadian Message: The Big Shift
Written by Aurora Ray

Beloved ones we greet you, At this juncture on your Earth there is an energetic diversity building between the play out of illusion and Truth. The 3rd dimensional illusion, this drama is explosive. Simultaneously the Light is expanding, growing daily. Your planet is undergoing a rapid rebirth, and you are moving into a complete metamorphic shift within your physical, energetic and emotional bodies.
This time heralds in ‘the big shift’ as you approach the end of your calendar year. Waves of light are being set in motion throughout the earth plane creating new energetic forms being made manifest on your planet. These higher vibrational forms are being established in order to support the birthing and then the stabilization of a higher order of multidimensional Grids. These Grids hold the sacred design for this time.
You are being made energetically ready to play an essential role within your Heart in forming an alliance to these Grids. You, your Heart, are actually to play a transformed role by becoming a natural energetic extension of the multidimensional frequency Network.
Your natural heritage is one of being electric in nature. As you become a link within the Network vibration you are being returned, recalibrated back into your natural state of being multidimensional.
All of your systems, which include your Pineal, Brain synapses, Spinal fluid, Sacrum and physical cells within your body is being upgraded electrically. Your energetic field is undergoing a magnetic upgrade; you are being made ready for this monumental shift that will become fully manifest by your New Year timeline.
You are requiring balance within your life to support this rapid change. This stability through balance can only be achieved through a conscious choice process of building a deeper link within your Heart.
Only you can achieve this ongoing building of reconnection within your Heart through conscious choice. Your conscious action of ‘choosing’ is incredibly powerful and is an essential component to your awakening process.
The Heart is your central access point to the Universal God consciousness. You hold a unique design sacred imprint within your Heart, and you are received and recognized through this imprint.
The Magnetic Core within your planet will shift its role in the last few weeks of the calendar year. The Magnetic Core will act as a centerpiece, transmitting a higher vibrational form of illumination outwards across the planet.
The Magnetic Core will radiate outwards this higher order of light, which is destined to bathe the Earth, and infuse through all life force energy existing on the planet.
The Magnetic Core can be likened to being like a central wheel with spokes. Shards of light will radiate outwards. These spirals of light will be drawn into the individual frequency of the divine presence of your Heart. You will be part of the creation energy of Earth through this reconnection.
Through the multidimensional reconnection of your Heart’s sacred chamber you become an initiator to establish a telepathic communion between yourself and others. This is a design for forming communities of light to hold this mirror of light steady on Earth. This is your purpose, an essential aspect of your mission at this juncture.
Be still and let go within your Heart.
Love and blessings,
The Pleiadians
Aurora Ray is the author of "I AM god -Ascension Guide", "Longevity Secrets", "How To Lose 40 LBS in 40 Days", and her latest print publication "Rawvolutionist". She is a Holistic Health & Business Expert, a Master Chef, Founder of the Rawvolutionist Academy, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation, and a former TV-Host. Aurora's first contact by the Galactic Federation happened when she was just six years old and for many years she was taken on ships regularly in order to get specific healing therapies and upgrades on a quantum level. When she was 11 (1989) she was told that the internet would be invented to connect the earth-incarnated star people who were strategically placed all over the planet to begin their mission.She had been in training for her entire human life to step in as a teacher, healer, and master guide when the time of the great awakening and global ascension for humanity was to come.
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