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Pleiadians Council of Light: The Forbidden Secrets
Written by Chellea Wilder

Blessings Dear Ones, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
We have observed the Human Race from your beginning and have helped within the process of repairing the human genetics to allow for the ascension process to commence.
This has taken place over many thousands of your Earth years.
Through our observations, we have become aware of the Dark's agenda for planet Earth. Malevolent Beings, and in these moments, have controlled the Human race from your very beginning, and continue to still hold some power over humanity. Even for those who have broke away from the dark's control structure, Their controlling narrative is still overshadowing everything that you do. The Truth must be told for all to fully awaken. There exists a great block or wall within the Human collective consciousness, that is stopping many individuals' from their ascension.
This barrier in itself, that is holding people from their truth, is a Forbidden topic. Very few channels will disclose this information because they are either in fear of persecution, or they themselves are not fully awakened.
Because of this Lack of Knowledge, Even within the spiritual communities, there is great confusion and misinformation.
Humans have been kept in a state of spiritual slumber, unaware of their true potential and purpose. Throughout your history, various religions and belief systems have instilled the fear of a vengeful God, leading individuals to conform to rigid dogmas. Most resist questioning the status quo, out of fear of being persecuted.
This fear-based conditioning has created a reluctance to explore alternative perspectives or seek out new truths. As a result, many people have been trapped in a cycle of conformity and suppression, afraid to challenge the narratives imposed upon them. The concept of a judgmental and vengeful God has instilled a deep-seated fear of punishment, discouraging individuals from embracing their curiosity and questioning the established norms.
Breaking free from this mental bondage, requires a courageous journey towards Inner-discovery of the Divine, within oneself.
By shedding the shackles of fear, individuals can liberate themselves from the constraints of limiting beliefs and embark on a path of personal growth and spiritual fulfillment.
Most people who claim to be religious, have never researched their beliefs.
Never even reading their own books fully, being taught to jump around and avoid certain scriptures. The Bible for example, in the Old Testament, is about a vengeful hateful god, who wars against humanity, and demand sacrifice. Then in the New Testament, you are taught to believe that Yeshua, was the Son of that Vengeful God.
In your modern era, Most churches are even beginning to avoid the Old Testament all together. When the Western Bible was assembled, it was put together by those you know as the Vatican, under the instruction of the Reptilian race. They then altered the text in favor of control and manipulation of the population. These altered and manipulated texts were then released to the public as your Holy Bible. The Darkness on Planet Earth has worked for many thousands of years, controlling and manipulating the Human Race.
This is why It has taken many of your Earth years to get to this point in the Human's awakening process. And this is why it is taken so long from your human perspective to get anything accomplished.
Each individual who is to make this ascension must awaken to their truth. Those lost in the dogma and judgement of false beliefs created by the Dark ones to keep humans in constant fear, are stuck at a stagnant state.
During this awakening, Many individuals are facing this forbidden topic head on. They are beginning to question their long held beliefs that have been engrained for generations into the Human Consciousness. This is not an easy process. Everything they have ever known to be truth, is being questioned.
As this ascension unfolds, the Energies are becoming more and more intense. Which is forcing individuals to reevaluate everything they ever knew as their truth.
To make this ascension, one must remove the blockade that has been instilled within them, that of Fear of persecution, or the Belief that you or anyone will receive punishment from God.
Those of you who have released these old paradigms, are moving gracefully towards Higher Light.
By Being the Beacons of Truth, you plant the seeds within the Collective. Driving them towards Higher Understanding, and a deeper connection to their inner knowing.
Stay true to the Light, and Don't be afraid of persecution or what others may think.
The Divine Light within you, is the essence of the Prime Creator, that is God. Embrace this knowing and understand that you are One with the All.
We Love you and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
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