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Pleiadians & Earth: Code Secrets Unleashed for Freedom

Pleiadians & Earth: Code Secrets Unleashed for Freedom

The stars of the pleiades shine in the sky, reminding us that we're all connected and have potential. Now, the pleiadians have come back to earth with a good purpose – to fix things that went wrong before and to help with healing. They want to repair what was broken and help things get better.

Pleiadians and Earth's Shared Evolution: A Tale of Codes and Freedom.

The Pleiades, a group of shining stars, have a big effect on Earth. People have been fascinated by these stars for a long time and have wondered about the mysteries of space.

A long time ago, the Pleiadians, who are connected to the Pleiades stars, did important things. They sometimes caused problems, and other times helped Earth change. Different cultures admired their special energies and qualities.

The Pleiadian energies mixed with human genes and even had something to do with reptile-like beings. This means they interacted with us in complex ways over a very long time.

Now, the Pleiadians have come back to Earth with a good purpose – to fix things that went wrong before and to help with healing. They want to repair what was broken and help things get better.

Their journey is like they're working together with Earth. The Pleiadians realized that their progress at home, in the Pleiades, is connected to how Earth changes. They need to share their knowledge, creations, and skills with us, making a sort of partnership.

Think of this like solving a puzzle. The Pleiadians have to move forward by sharing what they know and can do with Earth. It's like a dance of teamwork.

The Pleiadians are excited for Earth to develop creative skills. When this happens, these skills will send out special instructions or codes. These codes could make big changes, like maybe even letting us travel to other planets!

Surprisingly, Earth might be sending out these codes without even knowing it. These codes hold secrets for making new lives or solving problems. People who need help can use these codes to make changes.

These codes are the key to freedom – for both Earth and the Pleiadians. The music of these codes matches the signals our bodies give off. When these codes are used, they can help us get free from problems.

Earth is attractive not only because it looks beautiful but also because some powers with not-so-good plans want to control it. This power struggle isn't only on Earth – it affects the whole solar system and how things work together.

Different groups of planets all have similar thoughts and feelings. Negative emotions have caused problems, but they're part of a bigger plan.

These challenges are chances to grow. The hard things humans face aren't just random – they're important for a bigger purpose. Problems push less advanced beings to want to get better. Good things can come out of tough times.

Even when things are changing a lot, we don't need to be scared. The Pleiadians think humans are amazing, and they want us to know how special we are. When we believe in ourselves, we can do amazing things. The Pleiadians promise that incredible opportunities are waiting for those who understand their own importance.

This change is all about being positive. When things are changing in unusual ways, less advanced beings are motivated to aim higher. This actually brings good things as things change. So, there's no need to worry as changes happen.

By recognizing your own worth, you open the door to incredible possibilities that are hard to imagine.

As we look to the uncertain future, the Pleiadians give really good advice. Stay strong even when things are changing a lot. Remember how important you are. Look forward to the unknown with hope in your heart. They promise that these ideas will help us find our way through times when things are unclear.

In the big story of the universe, Earth's connection with the Pleiades is really important. Their journey to fix past mistakes, bring healing, and work together with us shows how everything is connected. The stars of the Pleiades shine in the sky, reminding us that we're all connected and have potential.

To sum up, the Pleiades and the Pleiadians have had a big impact on Earth. From history to working together, their story is about connection, change, and both sides benefitting.

As Earth unlocks its creative power and shares its special codes, a path to healing and freedom appears, like a dance with the Pleiades.

We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Image by CrystalWind.ca

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We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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