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Rising Dragons of the Pleiades: Shift to 5D and Embrace Miracles

Rising Dragons of the Pleiades: Shift to 5D and Embrace Miracles

The Rising Dragons of the Pleiades

"Dear beloved children of Earth,

Take a moment to relax.

Pause from your daily busy life and simply breathe. Let go of worries. Tell yourself: "Everything is solved easily and naturally."

Feel what is happening on your planet right now, because a huge change is coming, and you do not want to be completely surprised. In a very short while, your reality will shift. You are literally jumping timelines, and that is significant! You will start experiencing real miracles. At first, your mind will not understand until you realize that you have shifted timelines. This is the time to stop and simply be. Integrate the new energies. And for those of you who are shedding the old, you are peeling off what does not serve you—be in acceptance. There is no way back now. The change has started, and it is happening very fast. Some of you will not be able to integrate the high frequencies and will remain on the old timelines. The 3D Matrix is not dissolving, and there are many lower vibrational beings very interested in taking control of it. But you are reading this message because you have chosen differently. You have chosen the 5D timelines. Affirm: "I am reuniting with my higher self. I am returning to my Origin."

Allow the change to come and flow with it.

We are here to carry you smoothly on our wings. Be playful, be joyful, and embrace the new, because very soon, nothing will be the same. You are also among those to ground the new frequencies, so do so through your smile, your light, and your positive actions.

You are Light, and light is all that is."

Rising Dragons of the Pleiades: Shift to 5D and Embrace MiraclesClick Above Image To Enlarge!

Rising Dragons of the Pleiades channeled by Octavia Vasile

If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings! 

Octavia Vasile Bio - Click Here

Octavia Vasile

I am a channeler, meditation teacher, and holder of a master's degree in Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. My spiritual journey began with encounters with Oriental teachings during travels to Asia, leading to a deep connection and remembrance. In India, I felt a profound sense of belonging, rediscovering inner silence and recognizing ancient teachings. Meeting great teachers, including Ramana Maharshi, has been transformative, guiding me and reminding me of my true self.

Source Here!

Please check this Link on Facebook: Pleiadian Transmissions of Light and Love
To book individual sessions with Octavia go here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1

This article has been published on CrystalWind.ca with written approval from Octavia Vasile!

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