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Why The 9D Pleiadian Collective Says The Matrix Is An Illusion
Written by Octavia Vasile Views: 1748
There is no Matrix If you understand this you are free!
"Dear beings from Earth, we greet you with love, and may our blessings nurture your heart now. We're here to make sure that everything is in perfect order. Each moment is just perfect as it is - only the three-dimensional mind does not see it.
If you observe your reality as a unique moment, you will enjoy everything as it is. The 3D mind creates continuity to give a sense of the story. There is actually no real story - just a script that creates the illusion of physicality. As you realize that there is no time, no other moments besides the present one, you simply enjoy the present moment as it is. To be present is something that the 3D mind cannot do. It simply cannot understand that there is nothing outside this very moment, so it always thinks about the past and the future or about hypothetical situations. It is simply not aligned with the truth. Based on this perception, one has to always be aware of what can happen at any time and make clear calculations to prevent experiencing unpleasant situations.
But this is the 3D illusion. Your masters have called it "Maya," "illusion", or "Leela". However it is called, it has definitely managed to trick you for eons now. But you are not the 3D mind. You can be free of it when you detach and observe, without identifying with it.
See the story - do not reject it, but as a talented actor, play your role and always be aware of who you truly are. The truth is that there is only this moment and nothing else at all.
What would you choose to make of it? Can you feel that everything is perfect right now? Beyond the story, beyond "I am this" and "I am experiencing that," all is perfect in this very moment. You are the whole reality that you experience, and nothing is separated from you. You are perfect.
Feel it - remind yourself. Whenever your mind starts thinking, planning, analyzing, and giving you reasons to be unhappy, remind yourself to close your eyes and feel it: "There is only this moment," and release all else. Can you experience the beauty and freedom of it?
Continue to practice, put all your effort into it because, dear being, this will save your life. Step out from the "Matrix" - just to see that there is and has never been any Matrix."
This article has been published on with written approval from Octavia Vasile!
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