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Sun in Aquarius
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An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Aquarius
The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. Its symbol represents water, a universal image which dates back into prehistory. This will also be recognized in the Egyptian hieroglyph representing the same.The association in Aquarius is that of the servant of humanity pouring out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. These symbolic waves of water, share the dual expression of vibrational waves of electricity or parallel lines of force.

Aquarians are interesting and attractive people. They can be shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; or enthusiastic and lively with a tendency to be exhibitionists. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their own way. Very opinionated with strong convictions, they fight for what they believe in. They will argue vehemently for what they believe to be true, however, if you can show them facts to the contrary, they have little trouble altering their opinion.
Aquarius AssociationsRuling Planet: Uranus Polarity: Positive Quality: Fixed Element: Air Symbol: Water Bearer Colors: Electric Blue, Turquoise Metal: Aluminum Gem: Aquamarine Animals: Bird Kingdom |
Sun Sign Personality Traits for Aquarius
These are farsighted people with an eye and ear to the new and innovative. They are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of the point of view of others. They have an interesting side to their nature that allows them to see a valid argument even when they disagree with it. They are quite objective folk and never get waylaid by being too close to an issue or person.
Regardless of type, Aquarius is truly a humane, human being. Known to be frank and outspoken, a 'on my mind, on my mouth' type, Aquarius makes for a serious and genial companion. Refined and idealistic, romantic but practical, they are personable and likable people. Quick in mind and quick to respond, Aquarians love activity and are quite reasonable, though difficult to get close to.They cherish and guard their independence, and are a strange mixture of caring concern and cool detachment. They will go out of their way to help when needed, but never get involved emotionally.

Aquarians are usually intelligent, cool, clear, logical people. They have good imaginations and are quite intuitive. Aquarius is drawn to and inspired by great causes. In the midst of such a crusade they can be so completely devoted, that they drive themselves to the edge of complete exhaustion. This trait can be disheartening to those near and dear, for they get caught up with a cause in a way they never would with another person.
Whether the retiring or the outgoing Aquarian, both types appreciate opportunities to be alone. To Aquarians, being alone has nothing to do with being lonely. They enjoy their own company and are recharged by this quiet time. Rarely content being followers, they are more often society's trend setters. They do not take kindly to interference by others, even if it is well intended. Most Aquarians appreciate beauty and balance, possessing an excellent sense of aesthetics. This is often expressed by interests that can span drama, music, art, and science.
Among the faults, which are typically Aquarian, are extreme eccentricity, and an unwillingness to participate in any standard of protocol. When angered, they become seriously rude, alternating between deafening silence and sudden outbursts of temper. Quite capable of sustained anger and hard feelings, they will tune out the perceived offender, and retreat to their own private world. When Aquarius is good and ready, you will be granted the honor of their company again.
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."
—Alice Walker, Born February 9, 1944
Flower: Orchid Herbs: Chilies, Pepper Countries: Sweden, Poland, Israel Cities: Moscow, Salzburg, Hamburg Body Areas: Ankles, Circulation Principle: Distribution Keywords: Independent, Humane |
Vocational Interests Suited to Aquarius Tendencies
Aquarians work best in group projects, but must be recognized as having a leading role. They are akin to nature, and are seekers after knowledge and truth. They make excellent researchers and admirable scientists, especially astronomers and natural historians. They may lead the field in photography, computer technology. Radiography, electronics or anything connected with the electronic communication industries. Aviation is also a natural vocation for Aquarians, as it was for Charles Lindbergh.

"Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward!" —Thomas Edison, born February 11, 1847
In the arts and humanities, their progressive talents are expressed well in writing, particularly poetry, and in broadcasting. In the theater, they make good character actors, and are natural mimics. Possessing an affinity for rhythm and timing, many Aquarians make fine and progressive musicians. In the service fields, they can be effective welfare workers or educators. In any endeavor, an Aquarian will always be found on the cutting edge of whatever career they choose. These are the trendsetters of the zodiac, capable of seeing what is coming long before their contemporaries.
"An actor must interpret life, and in order to do so must be willing to accept all the experiences life has to offer. In fact, he must seek out more of life than life puts at his feet. In the short span of his lifetime, an actor must learn all there is to know, experience all there is to experience, or approach that state as closely as possible. He must be superhuman in his efforts to store away in the core of his subconscious everything that he might be called upon to use in the expression of his art." —James Dean, Born: February 8, 1931
Essentials to a Healthy Aquarian Relationship
Aquarians are an enigma. On one hand they are warm, kind, and outgoing, the sort to make friends easily and willingly. On the other hand, they are quite aloof people, who do not actively seek out relationships, and resent any infringement on their time or resources. They are engaging, yet unreachable. They can be fascinating and dynamic, while lacking any real warmth or endearing qualities.

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." —Ayn Rand, Born February 2, 1905

The Lore of Aquarius in Mythology
To fully appreciate the mythological significance of Aquarius, it is necessary to bear in mind the importance of water to our ancestors. The very existence of the ancients depended upon the supply of life sustaining moisture. During the month of Aquarius, the rains were on the land, literally poured from the heavens. In many regions of the ancient world, this was seen as the beginning the new year, a time of new life cycles. It is not hard to understand why some images depict the figure of Aquarius as a water bearing angel or other divine being.
The region of the night sky in which Aquarius resides is populated by water signs. In Babylonia, this region of the zodiac was known as the Sea. Here we also find Capricornus, the water goat and Pisces, the fish. To the Greeks, Aquarius was associated with Ganymede, the son of Tros, king of Phrygia. The god Zeus, so admired the boy's beauty that, disguised as an eagle, he abducted him to serve as cup bearer on mount Olympus. It was this desire to possess the young prince which inspired Zeus to cast his image eternally in the night sky.
The Egyptians associated this time of year with the god Hapi. A heavyset, abundant figure, Hapi was responsible for the annual flooding of the river Nile. In some images he is seen watering the earth from two large jugs.

Famous Aquarians
"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." —Abraham Lincoln, Born February 12, 1809
Who gives to all a helping hand,
But bows his head to no command—
And higher laws doth understand?
Inventor, genius, superman—
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