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Archangel Michael: Master Energy Flow Efficiently
Written by Jennifer Chapin

"You are to become an efficient director of energy forces.
Become a conscious observer, and practice detachment. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a vortex of negative energy created by others. Learn to stand firm and in control, as the director of your Sacred energy. Do not allow anyone to disturb your serenity and harmonious nature." (Cosmic Council of Light via Ronna Vezane,
In another message that is related to the quote above, Archangel Michael told us that if we do not control the energy swirling within us and around us, then as surely as we live and breathe, this energy will control us.
We are a constant swirl of energy and, these days, we can get distracted easily. As we are now at the apex of a time when there is a monumental push/pull to gain our attention and where the old version of who we were told we are is being replaced by a sense of awe and wonder at our own magnificence, we notice the corresponding vortexes of negative energy that seek to keep us suppressed. This may be coming from the media, including social media, from some governments or corporations, inadvertently from religion, from those who we had considered to be friends, and even from family members and work associates.
But we must resist the urge to be caught up in the maelstrom of this negativity. We must stand on our own mountain top and look from a higher perspective. Our mind will always be a willing accomplice in distracting us, meandering as it does down many pathways, so it is vital to return to center in that calm place of Spirit and view with detachment all that is occurring around us.
I have found it beneficial, in those times of distraction, to do an inventory of what is actually happening in my life at that moment. When I do that, I always look for the good and see that, in fact, all of that anxiety on the air waves is occurring "out there" and not "in here." I notice that I am happy and at peace. That I am loved. That I have satisfying work that fulfills me. That I live in a beautiful part of the world, and that I do not feel in any way the angst of those around me. It is their angst and their negativity, not mine, and I refuse to embrace it. I send them Love and Light but know that they are on their own path and will find their way eventually. Remember, we can create, with equal fervor, a heaven or a hell for ourselves. That is our choice.
We must strive to see the good always. It can come from gazing with wonder at flowers, leaning against a tree, hearing the shushing of the ocean waves, the trickling of water in a stream, smiling and laughing with a child or with a pet, being held in the arms of one who loves you.
This is not a selfish action. For when we stand rooted in those thoughts, we become a Pillar of Glorious Light. When we raise ourselves up in that manner, then all are raised up.
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