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The Michael Invocation
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The Michael Invocation has been used for many years as a means of clearing people's energy, and the energy of their homes and other buildings.
The Invocation has changed over time, as the situations people have found themselves in have become more difficult to manage, or more complicated to understand. It has never failed to provide relief on many levels - though the relief will only continue if a person chooses not to repeat the old patterns of behaviour that first got them haunted.
As the world gets darker, and the struggles become stronger, the Invocation came to include the name of Jesus Christ. You do not have to use it if you do not want to, but if you are a Christian or believe in the Christ energy, which is the Golden Light Stream of Consciousness energy, then use it. Or you can add the Deity of your choice. This empowers it to a greater depth.
How it works ...
It changes the substructure of human energy, to gently release all energy ties, whether we created them ourselves, or something or someone connected them to us. It does not offer resistance of any kind, it is not forced, nor creates force. It releases patterns and allows change to flow through the person's energy stream.
Why it works ...
Every person has a guardian angel standing behind their right shoulder, the energy of Archangel Michael, specifically trained as a personal guardian 'just for you'. This guardian is a protector of your spirit, and while it cannot stop things happening 'to you' because of your free will, it can act to help remove them when you start to seek healing.
Change happens for three reasons, the power of creativity with the person, the unending strength of the Michael at their shoulder, and the power of God in the person's life, regardless of whether the person believes in a God, any God or no Gods. The only way this Invocation can be weakened is if the person weakens it themselves, through fear, denial or refusal to let it, or the angels, do their work.
If you will but take a moment's faith (or choose to suspend doubt) and 'try it anyway', it may well teach you that there are protectors out there in Spirit watching our backs, loving us profoundly, and helping when we will allow it.
As one man said to me once "what is the worst that can happen? Nothing will change." But for him, and thousands like him over the years, change happened.
When to use it ..
Whenever you are feeling uncomfortable within yourself, in any location, at any time of day. It requires very little ritual, just a good memory, or a copy in your pocket. You can, by adapting it slightly (I'll explain in a moment) use it to change the energy of a room you are in, or a space or a building. It could be an open field. It is up to you to decide the appropriate 'when'.
How to adapt the Invocation -
It is very simple - the second line reads "remove all attachments from me". Change it to read "remove all attachments from ... this building, this room, my home, my office, my friend's house (with their permission and giving the address of the location). It can reach across the world to do this, because the Michael angels are everywhere, and everywhen.
Children - change the second line to read "remove all attachments from ..." and give the full name of the child, if you know it, or you can say 'my son' or 'my daughter'. There is one proviso here - unless the child is mentally challenged, such as being disabled or having autism etc, after the age of thirteen years they must give permission for you to do this, or they can do it themselves. Perhaps, in a very challenging situation, the two of you can do it together? That being said, you can do it for them, and any adults you know, but the Invocation might not be as effective.
In times of crisis ...
Just because someone you love is older than the age of thirteen, and perhaps refuses to acknowledge any metaphysical help, this Invocation can be said on their behalf, with the intention of allowing any change that is possible to flow through. Their higher selves will be told of the request and action will be implimented with the person's permission.
We live in the age of wonders - and Invocations such as this one help us to appreciate those wonders, if we allow it.
What if I don't believe in angels ...
Do it anyway. The Michael once told me "it does not matter if they (humanity)
do not believe in us, because we believe in them". Now that is LOVE.
What is an attachment ...
Anything that has to connect to your energy to feed. They do this with tiny threads that ease their way into your aura and then into your chakra system. Allow them to remain for a long time, or invite them to do so, and they can imbed themselves deeply and fight to remain.
Once released you can ask your guardian angel to "FIND and TAKE into HEALING anything that is not there for your GREATER GOOD". That will clear your energy field (aka your aura).

The Michael Invocation
Archangel Michael,
Remove all attachments from me,
All negative energy forms,
All negative thought forms,
All heavy energy forms.
All intruders and mischief makers,
All astral forces and dominants,
All small demons and large demons,
including succubus and incubus.
All living humans who try to steal my energy,
Or do me any other harm,
Find all humans in Spirit who are Lost around me,
and take them Home.
Remove all threads and bindings
All cords and ties
All chains and devices of any kind
All curses and hexes on any level
And all karmic patterns which are 'self'-defeating
And karmic links that are no longer needed
Return me to my perfect energy now please
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you.
Courtesy of Ama Nazra
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