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Archangel Michael: Receiving Divine Guidance
Written by Jahn J Kassl
You have the choice to invite GOD into your life permanently or to welcome GOD as a stranger in your life from time to time.
Today, a direct, intact and constant connection to the Divine is the key to a meaningful and providential life. How can you explain what is happening on earth right now? How can we master what is taking place now, changing and changing in any other way than with GOD as an ally at your side? How long do you want to walk alone and choose disoriented detours? Choose GOD and you have decided everything that needs to be decided for a person throughout his life.
What do I need to consider?
Divine guidance is given to every human being. To each one who asks for this guidance, it is given. What do you need to keep in mind? What is it that allows you to experience and experience this tour in everyday life?
Your constant connection and communication with GOD sets everything in motion. Many people turn to GOD only in exceptional or emergency cases. They expect a miracle when all possibilities have been exhausted and when all else fails.
It happens that miracles occur and that you are given. However, in everyday life, God is still a stranger to a great many people, as if God were unfamiliar with your affairs and as if God were not familiar to your heart.
The visible and tangible perception of God's guidance in your life happens as soon as you connect permanently with God.
GOD is the key
You have the choice to invite GOD into your life permanently or to welcome GOD as a stranger in your life from time to time.
Today, a direct, intact and constant connection to the Divine is the key to a meaningful and providential life.
How can you explain what is happening on earth right now? How can we master what is taking place now, changing and changing in any other way than with GOD as an ally at your side? How long do you want to walk alone and choose disoriented detours?
Choose GOD and you have decided everything that needs to be decided for a person throughout his life.
This is my message to you today, beloved person: to live with God, to ask God for direct intervention, and to align yourself with God's guidance.
That's all there is to it. Your soul does not demand more from you than that you open yourself more and more to GOD throughout your life.
HIS glory is YOUR glory, HIS power is YOUR power and HIS love is THE river that feeds you on all levels of your being – including on earth.
You are loved, honored and sustained by the ONE power, the ONE power, the ONE love – GOD.
I am with you forever. The sword is my strength, the truth is my power, and to light your way to God is my service.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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