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Message from Archangel Michael: Embracing the Storm of Transition
Written by Erena Velazquez

My Beloved Souls,
I am, Archangel Michael, here today to speak to all of you about extremely important matters regarding your planet.
My Beloved Souls, you are entering right now the phase, we call the Storm. It’s a very important part of your transition on Mother Earth. What does this mean for humanity? In a different parts of your world events or catalysts already started to appear without any warning. Please, don’t take them as negative occurrences, they are part of the process of cleansing and exposure of the Dark Souls.
Each episode is going to look like, it’s not connected to each other, but in a reality one will lead to another. It’s like a chain reaction with a domino effect. When you attend the concert, the orchestra contains different instruments. The conductor directs the cw performance and the flow of the music instruments. The same is here, each event causes the next one to appear, because of the high vibrations, which come from Divine purposely to trigger the collapse of 3D Matrix. It was created, as you know, to keep everyone asleep, to be passive and not to question anything.
We, Galactics, mentioned in previous messages that the Light Community is spreading false information without realizing it and questioning the sources. This also needs to be addressed again today and exposed as part of the Pre Ascension-Process. It will open the road to the truth, and it will help the ones, who are on the Spiritual Path and are ready to their most important step of the evolution to reach out to higher realms and transform a flesh body into a Light one.
Let’s now talk about the mysterious White Hats, which are being often mentioned, that they are supposedly constantly doing something, that they are in charge of the situation and etc.. Did you ever see any of them or did they do anything significant for humanity? The answer is no. They don’t exist. Humans created the tale about them. You have Alliance, who don’t have enough power to cleanse the whole planet, so you need to step in and help to transform your reality.
You are responsible for your own destiny. We are going to assist you in the crucial moment, when our help is going to be needed to save Mother Gaia. Until that moment, you need to ask yourself, how I am personally contributing to the Ascension Process. Do I do daily silent meditations, do I spread Love to my neighbors, do I help the ones in need and etc. My Beloved Souls, please, stop judging each other and start loving each other. Nothing is higher than pure Supreme Love.
You don’t want to be stuck on another 3D planet for eternity. The cw new souls, who are coming to this planet now, are not high enough to help anyone, they just started their soul’s journey. Don’t panic about the Solar Eclipse, another tactic of the Dark Souls to scare humanity, this is what they always do. This Solar System was protected for many eons, now it’s on the way to the restoration of balance and peace in a Milky Galaxy.
Divine including the Ascended Masters and Me are ready to see the New Earth without the participation of the Dark Controllers. Be prepared for a bumpy ride during this Pre Ascension-Storm around your globe. Your Dark Entities always come out with such nonsensical plans, which expose them each day more and more. They think that they know, on how to play chess, and in reality, they don’t even know on how to play checkers.
At this moment nothing is settled in your world, it will come a time, that you are going to see clearly and understand, what Ascension really means. Non existing White Hats are not going to save you, you are going to save yourself. Divine, Ascended Masters and Me are on your side. My Beloved Souls, focus on raising your vibrations. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Blessings and Supreme Love.
We Are All Connected
Archangel Michael
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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