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Adama's Joyful Introduction to Telos Book 3: Chapter One's Essence

Adama's Joyful Introduction to Telos Book 3: Chapter One's Essence

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Today, with great joy, we are going to begin book 3 of Telos.

Starting today with chapter one, it’s a very important chapter. As I said, I’m only bringing messages in relation to what’s in the book. I’m not going to quote all of chapter one here. I’ll just say that it’s a very important chapter. Even those of you who don’t have access to the book yet, when you do, read chapter one, but with an open heart, with a very expansive heart. And what is this chapter about?

In this chapter we’ve talked about ascension, about the steps necessary for ascension. But here’s what I’d like to say: Are you all in the same class at school? No. Each of you can be in a class. Some in the more advanced classes, others in the initial classes. So everything that’s written in the chapter, that series of guidelines I’ve given you, is important to follow. But what would I say? There are several classes of students, but the test is unique, the test is only one. So each class will do what it can. And no, there’s no prize, there’s no test mark. There are only guidelines. There are only points of attention.

So each class will do the exercise according to what they are prepared to do. Don’t try to push your own limits. Another question: Is it compulsory to do that exercise? So let’s remind you once again that we don’t force you to do anything. Choice is part of your life. Free will is yours. So we can’t force you. All we give you are guidelines, small points of attention that you can look at and work on. And what happens if you don’t look and work? You come to a standstill or even go backwards on your journey, because as you analyze those points, you can evolve, open your consciousnesses, expand your hearts.

But, as I said earlier, you have a choice. Nothing is compulsory. But I deeply believe that everyone who is here is involved in what they are doing. So you will do everything possible to at least look at those points. But I repeat once again: nothing is compulsory. I have to tell you, my brothers, that the path is going to become a little steep in your world, in your dimension. Everything is happening very quickly at the planned speed, and all the answers from those who dispute everything will come at the same speed.

So now is the time to pay close attention. Now is the time to look, listen, everything with your heart, so that you don’t let yourselves be fooled. Everything will seem very real, but a lot will just be an illusion. So you need to have self-control, balance. And see things with your heart. Let your heart speak. And if the doubt is too great, don’t keep it to yourself. Ask for the help of any Being of Light and we’ll immediately show you whether it’s true or not. We won’t let you remain in doubt, because doubt lowers your vibration. So it cannot be maintained.

Always remember this: We are all here. We, the Intraterrestrials, the Atlanteans, the Beings of Light, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, are all with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask. “I can’t see if this is real, can you help me?” and immediately we will. The important thing is that you look at everything with Love, so that the truth reaches your hearts. Fear nothing. Those who follow the Light fear nothing, because they know that even the difficult things along the way are lessons to be learned, and must be received with Love, not fear, not dread.

Follow the flow. Let the Light guide your path. Let the Light show you the way. Avoid making choices. If the Light is in charge, you won’t need to make choices because it will clearly show you the way. If there are choices to be made, open your heart, because right now you’re not allowing the Light to lead you, that’s why doubt and choice have come. Let the Light lead you. Follow the flow of the river of Light. Don’t try to stop at the bank. Don’t try to take shortcuts. Let the river of Light lead you, and you will certainly not regret it. This I can guarantee

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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