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Ascension Energy Shifts: Ashtar Sheran's Volcanic Activity Update!
Written by Emanuel and Shepherdess

We see a large volcano and we think it is Popocatepetl. Commandos ships are entering there.
They are making a repair on the inside of the volcano. But inside the volcano at the bottom, there is pure orange lava running through the internal channels of the volcano. They're doing everything they can to keep the pressure inside the volcano from building up and exploding.
They are opening, as it were, valves for a drainage inside the volcano itself. This similar work they did to the Yellowstone, which was ready to explode. Now they are doing it to the popo.
They tell us that the bottom, the southern part of Mexico is shifting with pure lava. The subsoil is full of lava. There is assistance from the commandos, everyone is helping.
There is another volcano, Kilauea in Hawaii, with a very strong internal activity. It is very active inside, deep inside. All this solar activity influences the volcanic activity greatly. It's like energy, all that energy from the sun liquefies and rises all inside. The whole fire belt is activated, Indonesia is activated, all those volcanoes.
But there is assistance, a lot of assistance. Even in the subsoil below they are working on the source of the volcano. Not to go into fear. But yes, everybody is appreciated to stay away from those areas and the volcanic activity is increasing.
If a volcano is active or is raising lava, it is always advisable to stay away from that area. Already all authorities and all government departments in charge of assisting people are on alert.
Emphasis is made on volcanoes, because they are the ones that now present greater activity and that also helps to move the internal plates and on the earth's surface as well. Let us hope that all the Commandos, who are specialists in this type of situation, can help in all this. They have already done it and they have been successful, let's hope that at this moment there will be quite a lot of success as well.
Sometimes it becomes indispensable for some volcanoes to act, to reconfigure the terrestrial architecture in some sectors where humanity is not in so much danger. In the formation of islands and in the extension of the territory. There are parts of South America that are going to expand with more land towards the sea, but it is with the energy of the volcanoes and it is going to increase the areas in certain sectors of South America and in other places.
Please know that we are always on the lookout and we provide assistance in all senses, in all these processes. There is no technology on earth to be able to contain this lava, let alone enter a volcano that is in activity, with lava. That is why they are receiving so much assistance. Everyone is confident that whatever happens is what should happen.
Be calm and patient those who are in this area. There you will receive full assistance. You will be hoisted to the ships until the emergency situation in that place is over.
Well, that was the information my beloved ones. We are always connected, I bless you.
I am Ashtar Sheran. Winter Peace
Emanuel and Shepherdess - ServiUM
ERKS - 06/03/2024
Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar
Translation by
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