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Beings of Light: Major Shift in Human Life
Written by Marie-Josée Andichou

We're always happy to see you again, dear brothers and sisters from Earth.
As you know, there is currently a great upheaval in the earthly life of every human being. We say this because the energetic transition is very important for your planet. As with any change in your own life, in the life of a country or in that of many of the Earth's continents, there is always a difficult passage. But we tell you that after this difficult passage comes the best.
You're going to say, "When is the best going to come? Yes, time is long for you. You see the days, the months, the years go by without seeing the "end of the tunnel" as you call it. Yet - and we do mean "yet" - there is a great change taking place in your life, and in the life of humanity on earth. We can see it in the energies spreading out from the ground on planet Earth. At times, we see your energies greatly disturbed, but what counterbalances these delicate moments are the many little lights of hearts that are being added more and more to those that already exist. This is a joy for us.
But as we said in a previous message, DON'T SLEEP, SECOVE YOURSELF MORE, look at your heart, listen to it speak to you, it's your incarnated soul seeking Peace and Gentleness that speaks to you through it. Your soul wants to bring as much Love as possible to your being, but also to the Earth. You've come to Earth to spiritualize it by offering all the Love you can from your heart.
You came to bring Love and Light to this suffering part of the galaxy. It still is, of course, but we see healing on the horizon. Be confident in what you are experiencing, even if it seems cruel and difficult to accept. Let go of the destructive power of a small part of the human race. Know that, sensing their end is near, they are "pulling out all the stops", as you put it, but this is the cry of the animal that feels the end approaching.
Children of the Earth, you are now in the dark tunnel at the end of which the radiant Light of Freedom is calling you and illuminating your path. Feel it flashing in your heart, but also around you in nature, in the sky. We tell you about the sky because the more you look at it, whether by day or night, the more you'll be able to see happy signs that will come to comfort you.
We say BEWARE of certain UFOs you may see in your skies. Some of them are real in certain places on your planet, but others are nothing but artificial compositions from those who want to manipulate you, and manipulate you badly. Before you let yourself get too excited, feel in your heart whether this speaks to you, whether you feel joyful or not. That's what will determine whether or not you agree with these visions.
For the time being, we'll only be appearing in certain specific places that we won't name yet, but know that we'll be there, close to you, to support you again and again, to guide you towards the best path for your spiritual evolution and your heightened understanding of True Life.
True Life is announcing itself to you in the New Earth we often speak of, as it is the primary goal for accessing enlightenment. Enlightenment is the point at which your Light is anchored to that of the Universe. Enlightenment is the pivotal moment that will propel you into True Life. We repeat, trust in what you're experiencing, and offer the Light that's within you and around you to all the kingdoms of the Earth at every moment of your life. By offering your Light, you will accentuate your elevation in your own Light, but also in the Light of the Earth. The more of you do this, the sooner you will purify the Earth and humanity of the energetic toxins that pollute you, and the sooner you will eradicate the dark energies.
Dear Children of the Earth, we are always with you and accompany you with great Love.
Translation By
Marie-Josée Andichou
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