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Beings of Light: You're About To Turn A Corner In The New Year

Beings of Light: You're About To Turn A Corner In The New Year

We greet you, dear children of Earth, dear brothers and sisters so dear to our hearts. Yes, you are dear to our hearts, for we know and see all the efforts you are making to bring your Light and your Love to the Earth and to your humanity.

But, of course, it's not always easy, is it? How can you continually offer your Love and Light when there are still dark spots on your planet? It's a little unsettling for you, we understand. But we know that you're doing everything you can to let the Light shine around you and especially within you.

As you know, the Light cannot shine around you if you are not the Divine Light that brings Peace and Serenity within and around you. We've told you many times to come together, to gather and offer this Light around you. Now it's important to do it, to live it, because you're about to pass a milestone with the new year ahead.

What is this milestone? Quite simply, it's the moment when you'll need to connect more and more with your inner Divine, and radiate more and more Light from your heart, because the year ahead is going to be a busy one for many of you.

It will be necessary for you to understand that a great change is taking place on your planet, that the end of a civilization is fast approaching, but, above all, that you are on a new path towards a new civilization that will be more and more spiritual, i.e. one that will no longer live as you have done, and still do, in fear, power, the degradation of certain humans, manipulation of all kinds, materialism to excess etc....

It's important to understand that you're in the process of leaving the old to meet the RENEWAL, which is what we often talk about: THE NEW EARTH.

But before entering the New Earth, it will be necessary to purify your entire planet. In order to evolve further, the Earth needs the human beings living on its soil, to whom it offers immense Love, to understand that they are strongly linked, united with it. What humanity is going through, the planet is also going through, and it cannot accept to rise within the galaxy if there are wars and violence of all kinds, whether physical or moral.

You're leaving a year which, despite everything, has stirred up some human beings, but was nevertheless in a certain phase of calm. You're going to say: "in a calm phase with the wars that have broken out in such a short space of time? "

We'll tell you this: with the energies of the new year just around the corner, get ready to experience many upheavals, whether political, financial or otherwise. Prepare yourselves to experience climatic disturbances, floods, volcanic eruptions and other events in certain parts of your planet that will be more significant than the year just ending.

You are moving towards the path of purification that leads to the New Earth. For this, you'll need to be in the Peace of your heart, to let go of fear as you encounter the Peace of your heart. The more you do this meditative exercise, the more you'll feel the Serenity within you, and the more you'll spread it around you.

It may be that humans who want to take control of your life, seeing that your Light is growing stronger, will still try everything to muzzle you, to fan the flames of fear. We say to you: stay calm, know that you are protected by the Love in your heart, but also by our Presences who will prevent these humans from going too far in their desire to manipulate you.

Know that the more of you that come together and offer your Light to humanity and the Earth, the faster you will open the doors to the New Earth. Everything depends on you, on your inner desire to bring this Magnificent Light to Earth, to humanity and to yourselves.

It's important that each and every one of you understands that nothing happy can happen in union with the energies of the Earth, if you are not in the Joy of the Heart we spoke of recently.

Dear brothers and sisters on Earth, we, your galactic Brothers of Light and Love, wish you Light, Love, Respect and Joy for the New Year you are about to open in your earthly time.

We love you all.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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