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Discover the Secrets: Stay in Your Power Insights!
Written by Sara Landon

You have a grander awareness of what is really going on at this time, so do not give your power away to anything, truly, but certainly not to the things that you have ascended beyond, like lack, limitation, fear, separation, chaos, worry, anxiety.
We know what’s going on your planet. We know. We understand. And you know how important it is to stay in your power, to maintain the highest level of consciousness and the highest vibrational frequency, to continue to summon energy into form, the form that is your light, your light in form.
There are many surprises, we shall say, coming your way, surprises that will blow your mind, that will excite you, that will delight you. And there are, we will say, surprises coming to all of humanity, surprises that will change the course of things in a — what you might say — way that really allows you to see the impact that you have had on creating a new earth reality for yourself and for all who are choosing.
Do not give your power away to the fear. Do not give your power away to the chaos. Do not give your power away even to the elements of nature that seem to be powerful or bearing down on you. You are more powerful than all of that. You are more powerful than the bright, mighty sun that fuels life on your planet.
So do not give your power away to anything. Maintain your alignment to pure love. Maintain your alignment to infinite worthiness. Maintain your alignment to the truth of you and what is really going on here. And that does not mean that from an elevated vibrational frequency and an elevated level of consciousness that you do not take action from love and consciousness towards those things that you are passionate about.
You are making a tremendous difference and a tremendous impact, and you are celebrated. But don’t entangle with seeing this world as violent or seeing this world in disarray, or getting triggered and reacting to pockets of unconsciousness in people or places. Stay in your power. Stand your ground, your grounded state of consciousness and pure love.
You’re going to feel, you’re going to feel a much clearer knowing of following energy and allowing your light to guide the way. You’re going to take actions. You’re going to be in motion, too. You’re going to experience momentum. Remember the power of stillness. Remember that stillness is the access point to acceleration, true creation, realization, manifestation, and transformation.
This has all been divinely designed for you. Your focus on stillness, your focus on worthiness, and now fully coming into your awareness and your ability to communicate and connect with the infinite intelligence of the universe because you indeed are here as a channel to divine wisdom, source energy. You are. And you’re going to see why your own connection to the divine is imperative to the new earth, the great awakening, and the future of all of humanity.
And we are talking to you. Yes, you, the one who thinks we must be talking to everyone else. But if you are [seeing] this, if you are [reading] this, we are speaking directly to you.
You have the power to literally open your channel to source energy and the divine to expedite the regeneration of every cell in your body to hold more light so that you can come fully into experiencing your own light in form and the power it has to heal, transform, uplift, create.
Oh, master, this is so powerful for you. And it could not have come at a more perfect time. But it has been divinely designed, we assure you, and you, your higher self, the ascended master part of you was the creator of that divine design.
We know there is an eagerness and an intensity in our words to you, but it is infused with such great love and reverence and appreciation for you, for your magnificence, for your brilliance. Truly, truly witness your magnificence, your brilliance, your perfection, in all of its glory, in all of your glory, in all of the glory that is here shining upon you.
It’s time to make your way into the eternal celebration of all that you are and all that is here for you. It is the celebration of all of the dreams in your heart coming true. It is a celebration of the impossible becoming possible. It is the celebration of you going beyond into the magic of the unknown.
We truly welcome you all to paradise, your paradise, your new earth, your heaven on earth. It has all been divinely designed, truly. And there are so many beings here that have so much love for you, that witnessed your courage, witnessed your compassion, witnessed your journey, witnessed your awakening, and then witnessed your journey from awakening into realization. They not only witnessed it; they have been a part of it for you.
Excerpted from stay in your power,
channeled by sara landon during a live masters class call on july 3, 2024
Click Here To purchase the audio recording of this full channeled message
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