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Divine Mother: Trust Your Unfolding

Divine Mother: Trust Your Unfolding

Beloved children, sparks of Divine essence in form and expression, I greet you all in my infinite, gentle love.

You are, each and every one of you, perfection in form. You regret your faults and failings, you see versions of who you wish you were and you wish you could be that person, yet even with effort, you do not succeed. Do not abandon your self, you are perfection. In your imperfection, you meet with rejection, failure, anger, and you close down… until you discover that nothing changes while you are closed.

Transformation only occurs when you open up with compassion, gentleness, love, forgiveness, patience. This is the great lesson in being human, using tension, strife and not-‘perfection,’ as a vehicle for greater heart opening. That is your purpose here: to open your heart.

You do not need to lie down as a door mat with an open heart: it is important, as many of you have confused being loving with being passive. You can be loving and take action in the direction of your Truth, even if others do not agree. You can be loving and leave behind thoughts, words, actions and relationships that are no longer aligned with your open-hearted Truth. You can be firm and still love, still hold an open heart.

Open hearted strength that honours your Truth, without inflicting harm on others, is required now, in your personal lives and on a global scale.

Yet! Remember this, open hearted strength can ask you to move towards a person, place, thought or action; but it can also ask you to move away from a person, place, thought or action.

It is also open-hearted love to pull away when you are overwhelmed, for you are following your inner Truth, knowing you need to recenter, to heal yourself, to nurture yourself, to forgive yourself and/or others. This too is open-hearted strength. This is courage. Self care is a courageous act, because it acknowledges you are Divine and you are worthy of attention, love, care … balance, the opposite of tension.

As the experience of being on Gaia increases in intensity, you are finding it more and more difficult to hold your centre, to remain with an open heart. This is on purpose. This is the pressure cooker. You are offered the opportunity to become aware of your Truth. And then to live according to that Truth.

You are offered the opportunity to align with your sovereign self and choose in alignment with your beliefs, your Truth. This is that now moment. This is how you catalyse the embodiment of the Divine Ascended Christed, Kristos, Crystalline energy within you.

J: But aren’t we here to help others?

Divine Mother: Only when you are feeling able, open, loving. If you are tired, drained, angry, resentful … you have nothing of value to share; at best your actions will lack love, at worst you will act in a way you later regret.

First come into balance with yourself. Do something, no matter how small – from three deep, slow breathes, to watching a movie or going for a walk – to recenter yourself, to cherish your self. If you feel you cannot even spare a moment to do that, then stop and ask me, the angels, the ascended masters, any being of light you love and cherish, to overlight you, to shine our love through you, so you may be uplifted even when you feel you can’t help yourself.

We are here for you: each and every one of you. We have never been closer to you. You have never been more energetically aligned with us. We are coming together.

J: This is a heart-led revolution, where the wisdom of the heart is our greatest tool in the spiritual aspect of this war. Can you talk about that more please?

Divine Mother: The heart and the energies of the heart have been trivialised and diminished on purpose, because the heart is the locus of your Truth, it is the doorway to your intuition, to your Higher Self and to your Ascension. It is not just for ‘falling in love,’ it is your doorway to the Divine within.

The energy of the heart, when accessed in alignment with Truth is stronger than any other energy on Gaia. When you move from love to Love, (thoughts, words and actions aligned with your Truth) you move through the heart and access the Higher Heart.

As many of you know, the Higher Heart is the unification of the trinity, the trifold energies of humanity – ego/heart/mind or solar plexus/heart/third eye chakras. When these three chakras begin to move into synergy – as the increasing energies drenching your planet are creating – you begin the last wheel of ascension on this plane. This process leads to the opening of the Higher Heart which is your Higher Self grounded in your physical form.

Initially, this is a subtle process but it can be bumpy: there may be moments when you have massive realisations that leave you feeling completely uncentred for a while, or you may find yourself craving company, activities or even foods that are completely different from your norm. Trust the process.

I cannot say this enough: Trust your Unfoldment.

Every moment, every breath, every encounter has been planned with infinite care and meticulous attention to detail. Absolutely nothing has been left to chance.

The more you can move into love and acceptance of your self, your unfoldment, your transformation and the transformation of others around (even if it is not what you like) the more flow, grace and ease you will find in your process.

Settle into your life without doubts: follow your intuition, that takes courage, moral courage, even if it is only to speak your truth, or act your truth with someone in your life.

Each act of alignment you take increases your grace and ease; each act of moral courage within your own life increases your personal flow. It may be bumpy, but your life – as the cliche says – is acting for you, not against you. Your life is on your side.

If you see the circumstances of your life as the obstacles you face, you are seeing your life through your 3D lens. See your life with your 5D vision, explore how every seeming challenge is actually doing something to enhance and expand You.

Your life is on your side. I am on your side.

I am by your side, eternally. Simply call on me. I am here with you, because there is no one more cherished in all creation than you are.


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Jennifer Crokaert

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