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Father Absolute: The Controlled Chaos of Earth
Written by Martha

Hello, my dearly beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic and talk about the current situation on Earth, which can be characterized as "controlled chaos".
And this chaos is not only event-driven, but also psychological and moral.
How and why was it formed?
Everything happened gradually with the purpose of taking a person out of balance, depriving him of his usual life orientations.
The creators of this chaos, as always, remain behind the scenes, leaving the "dirty" work to its executors - their puppets in the power structures of most countries of the world.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that the main tool for controlling people's consciousness is fear in all its manifestations, which has been used by the Draco/Reptilians for thousands of years.
But now - at the junction of two worlds, when the high-vibrational energy of the fourth and fifth dimensions is increasingly replacing the low-vibrational energies of the three-dimensional world - the shadow government, in order to survive and stay in power, has to constantly raise the "degree" of intimidation of the population.
And for this purpose they try to cloud people's consciousness so much that they cease to be oriented in the ongoing events, which, as in a kaleidoscope, change one after another, and one is more terrible than the other.
In fact, everything has been thought out to the smallest detail, and all the events happening now on the Earth were planned long before their realization.
But now - at the junction of two worlds, when the high-vibrational energy of the fourth and fifth dimensions increasingly displaces the energies of low vibrations of the three-dimensional world - the shadow government, in order to survive and stay in power, has to constantly raise the "degree" of intimidation of the population.
And for this purpose they try to cloud people's consciousness so much that they cease to be oriented in the ongoing events, which, as in a kaleidoscope, change one after another, and one is more terrible than the other.
In fact, everything has been thought out to the smallest detail, and all the events happening now on Earth were planned long before their realization.
And there is a lot of evidence of this: articles, interviews, statements, speeches of the protégés of the globalists, which are now posted on the Internet in abundance by people who are trying to reach the rest of the still awakened part of the population of the Earth.
But in this program there are also new, unforeseen elements connected with the Transition of your planet to a new level of development.
And this insurmountable obstacle for the Draco/Reptilians led to the fact that they had to act in an accelerated mode, crumpling their program to several years.
The psyche of ordinary people, the so-called ordinary people, was unprepared for such a drastic change in their lives.
Most of them failed to gather their thoughts and soberly assess the situation.
Instead, they handed over the reins of their destinies and even their lives to the authorities, believing that the "people's elected representatives" would protect them from the threatening danger.
And to this day, most people do not believe that those whom they consider their protectors are their main enemies - the "shepherds" appointed by the shadow government, who are called to drive their "flocks" into the common "stall" by any means.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Received by Martha on September 4, 2023.
Submitted via email for posting on
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